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Dean - Son of a....

Dean carried the body while Sam was cutting the rope. I waited outside and I looked for shovels and I only found two. I give one to Dean and Sam. Dean gave me a face and they started digging. After they put her body inside Dean grunted and they were breathing heavily.

Molly - So if you manage to put Greeley to rest, too. . . What happens to them?

They started putting the dirt back in.

Dean - Lady, that answer is way beyond our pay grade.

Amy - So, you hunt these things, but, you don't know what happens to them?

Dean - Well, they never come back. That's all that matters.

I just stood there knowing that before I worked with them I never  even had that thought come through my head when I kill a spirit. I felt guilty without knowing where they go.

Sam - After they let go of whatever's keeping them here, they. . . They just go.

Molly and I were having our eyes watery and I had my eyes watery because of the guilt that just got me.

Sam - I hope someplace better, but we don't know. no one does.

Molly - What happens when you burn their bones?

Sam - Umm. . . Well, my dad used to say that was like death for ghosts, you know? But... The truth is, we still don't know. Not for sure. Guess that's why we all hold on to life so hard. Even the dead. We're just scared of the unknown.

Molly - The only thing I'm scared of is losing David. I have to see him again....

Sam and Dean continued putting the dirt over the corpse and Molly had her knees bent facing to the corpse.

Molly - I have to.

I left inside the house and they continued to pour the dirt over the corpse. I was was wondering why Sam had such a hard time explaining me of why the ghosts stay here and putting a lot of meaning to it. I left to the room upstairs and grabbed the photo album and continued looking at it. I looked at Sam and he looked at me carrying the photo album in my hands walking around looking through it. I then sit down with Molly and she looks through it too.

Dean - Let's get her out of here and tell her.

I heard them and I look at them and Molly got up and heard Dean talking.

Molly - Tell me what? What aren't you telling me? . . . . It's about David. You know what happened to him.

Sam - Molly --

Dean - Sam, don't. 

Molly - Don't what?

She raises her voice.

Molly - Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband, only she does. And you don't even care about her

Sam - That's not true.

Molly - Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please. 

Sam stayed quite having a hard time so he looks away and looks at the window.

Molly - And you two better b--

The radio modulates again and The Animals' "House of The Rising Sun" starts playing. I was near it and I look at the radio.

Molly - He's coming.

Dean - Stay with her.

Dean walks to me then to the radio. 

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