Chapter 3

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I wake up at somewhere else and Sam and Dean weren't in the car until I turn to the right. Sam was right next to the passengers side and Dean was calling someone. I rub my eyes and my vision was getting more clear.

Sam - Ok, I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east out of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought.

Dean - Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania.

Sam - Wait, what?

Dean - I just got a call from an old friend. Her father was killed last night. She thinks it might be our kind of thing.

Sam - That?

Dean - Yeah, believe me, she never would've called, never, if she didn't need us.

Dean enters the car and I was still laying down. I yawn and rub my eyes again since they were a little watery.

Happens every time when I rub my eyes. I sit up slowly and I see Sam still out of the car.

Dean - Come on. You coming or what?

He turns the car on and Sam enters the car, Dean starts to drive and there was only silence on the way until Sam spoke.

Sam - By "old friend," you mean. . .

Dean - A friend that's not new.

Sam - Yeah, thanks. So her name's Cassie, Huh? You never mentioned her.

I chuckled and Sam looks at me and gave me a smile.

Dean - Didn't I?

Sam - No.

Dean - Yeah, we went out.

Sam - You mean you dated someone? For more than one night?

Dean - Am I speaking a language you're not getting here?

I giggle and Sam chuckles.

Dean - Dad and I were working a job in Athens, Ohio --

Amy [gasps] - Ohio! I've always wanted to visit Ohio! How is it over there?

Dean - Cold, snows, and hot, but cold most of the times.

Amy - How does it look like?

Dean - Lot of trees, cloudy, big.

Amy - Bucket list before I die is to go to Ohio.

Dean - As I was saying. She was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks.

Sam - And? Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kind of sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which, by the way, how does she know what we do?

Amy - Yeah, Dean. How does she know? I thought we weren't supposed to tell anybody what you two know.

Dean - . . .

Sam - You told her. You told her the secret. Our big family rule number one -- we do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything? . . . Dean!

Dean - Yeah, looks like.

Amy - That's not fair for him! Sam and Jessica has been together more than you and what's her name... Cassie. And you get to tell a girl who you don't even go on dates and Sam has? Wow, that's - That's just not fair, Dean.

Dean - Stay out of this conversation, Amy.

Amy - How can I stay out of this when I'm in the same damn car with you?!

Dean - Just focus on something else.

Amy - Then leave me in Ohio!

Dean - No.

Amy - Then don't ever tell me to stay out of a conversation when I can't go anywhere, Dean.

Dean - Ok.

I sighed and just shook my head and I just looked forward and we then arrived and Dean parks.

Dean - Amy --

Amy - Yeah yeah, I know stay here. I know the rules.

Dean - No.

I furrow my eyebrows with confusion.

Dean - You're coming, just don't say anything.

Amy - I think I'm fine in here.

Dean - Amy.

Amy - Ok. Ok, I'm going.

I get out and I was behind them both. I stood there not knowing what to do when we entered and Cassie was walking straight towards us.

Cassie - Dean.

Dean - Hey, Cassie.

He clears his throat and introduces Sam to Cassie.

Dean - This is my brother, Sam... I'm sorry about your dad.

Cassie - Yeah, me, too. Who's she?

I was behind Sam hiding a little and Dean glances at me and then looks again telling me to move.

Sam looks at Cassie and she spots me.

Amy - She spotted me.

I whispered really low and I looked at Sam and then to Dean.

Dean - Who?

Cassie - Her, she was behind your brother.

Amy - I'm Amy.

Cassie - Cassie.

Amy - I'm their friend?

I say with a little questioning and Dean shook his head.

Cassie - Nice to meet you, Amy.

Amy - I'm gonna go.

I point to the door and Sam followed me. I went to the right side of the car and put my hands on top of the car and lay my head on my arms and I sigh.

Sam - Hey, why were you hiding?

Amy - Really. . .

Sam - Yeah.

Amy - How the hell am I supposed to react when Dean just tells me to not talk. He wasn't specific enough, Sam.

Sam - I know he wasn't. But next time don't put any questioning in a sentence while introducing yourself, they'll suspect something odd, ok?

Amy - Sam?

Sam - Yeah?

Amy - How did you even know what to do when you first did your first hunt? Thing what ever you guys call it?

Sam - I just acted along with Dean and I got the hang of it.

Amy - I don't want to do any of the jobs.

Sam - Well, do you even know how to defend yourself?

Amy - Yes, I do.

I lied. And put a fake smile and he laughed at me.

Sam - Ok first of all learn how to be a good liar, Amy.

Amy - I'm not lying.

I chuckle and he takes one step to me and I take a step back. He walks towards me and I walk backwards until I had touched Dean's car.

Sam - Are you lying.

I put a serious face on and I look at him.

Amy - You really think I'm lying aren't you?

Sam - Yes I do in fact.

Amy - Wow, so much of a friend.

Sam noticed that I was telling the truth about it but I lied to him so he thinks that it was the truth but I lied to him.

Sam walks and I was making my little dance until he turns to me and I acted casual and looked around mad.

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