Yule Ball

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Fourth Year

Just a random different one-shot.


The annual Yule Ball was coming up. Rose was extremely excited to say the least. Everyone (Fourth Year and up) had to put their names into a goblet. One lucky boy and girl would be chosen to share a dance in the spotlight. They would share a choreographed slow dance. All the students had been practicing in case they were to be called. The names were to be chosen by Professor Longbottom.

"From the young men," he said, "Scorpius Malfoy."

Rose's hope immediately disappeared. If it were any other guy, she would have been fine. But him? Really? Now Rose didn't want to be chosen.

Looking around, she realized no one else was thinking the same thing. None of the other girls could hide their excitement. They always swoon around him anyway.

"And for the lucky ladies... Rose Weasley!" She forced a smile, her face turning red from disappointment. The students were cheering around her. She made eye contact with Scorpius. At first she thought he was genuinely smiling. She must've imagined it because his face turned into one of his famous smirks.

Oh well, she thought. I won't let him ruin this night for me.

Since everyone's families were invited, no one went with dates. That made getting ready easier for Rose.

The dark green dress was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. It was floor length and flowed out just right. She was sure to catch the attention of everyone in the room.

She put on the perfect amount of makeup, curled her hair, and made her way towards the ball. It was very noisy and she had difficulty finding her friends in the crowd, so she waited in line to enter. Three more people in front of her. She looked around. Lights and mistletoe hung from the ceiling, along with many other Christmas decorations.

It was finally her turn to enter. Rose stood at the top of the stairs.

For a minute the world seemed to stop around her. Jaws dropped, along with dishes that fell to the floor. All the noise suddenly quieted. She was surprised. All these faces were staring at her. Slowly Rose walked down the stairs.

She saw the adoring faces of everyone she knew. Her mother and father, aunts and uncles, all her cousins and friends. Then she saw him.

Scorpius Malfoy stood at a table across the room, his mouth hung open. He was staring at her like she was heaven on earth. Rose quickly looked away and proceeded down.

Her whole family was there, complimenting and hugging her. She sat down at the table.


"You are so lucky," said Lily in a dreamy voice, "to get to dance with Scorpius Malfoy."

Rose raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"Because he's bloody hot."

James spewed out his pumpkin juice. "Do not say such things, Lily!"

Now the whole, giant family was looking at the three.

"What's going on down there?" Uncle Harry asked.

James spoke up angrily. "Lily and Rose here have the hots for Malfoy!"

"I never said that out loud!" Yelled Rose, trying not to laugh.

"Out loud?" Albus was laughing now.

Ron roared across the table. "What are you saying?!"

"Ummm... Nothing," said Rose, lying and laughing at the same time.

Rose looked over and saw that it was nearly time for her to dance with Scorpius Malfoy. They made eye contact and she blushed, he winked.

"That boy looks like trouble," Ron said.

"Call him what you want, but you can't call him ugly," Lily interjected again.

"Excuse me," Rose said to her family and made her way to the center of the room. Scorpius made his way over to her and the music started.

Couples were dancing all around them, Rose and Scorpius dancing in the center. Everyone's eyes were on the two.

Rose placed her cold her hand in his warm one. They spun around and were very close. "You are very beautiful," he said so only she could hear. He didn't say "you look beautiful." He said "you are beautiful." And he meant it.

Rose gave him a shy smile and he smiled back. They spun around some more. The song was almost over too fast. At the end, she leapt into his strong arms and he held her there for a few long seconds. When she came down, their lips were a hair apart. Then, Rose brushed her lip against his. It wasn't technically a kiss. It only lasted a split second.

Looking into each other's eyes, something sparked between them. And their lips were on each other's again, this time more passionately. Around the room they could hear gasps and small laughs. Out of the corner of her eye, Rose could see her family all staring in shock.

"Goodnight, Malfoy."

"Goodnight, Weaslette."

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