Three Years

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Alice Longbottom was the perfect daughter, sister, and friend. She was in advanced classes and never told a lie. She was always known by her friends and family as "the good girl."

Until now.

She couldn't have possibly been thinking straight, right? This was totally an accident, and she didn't even mean for it to happen. But that wasn't necessarily true.

Alice had secretly been dating James Potter II for three years. At first, it was kind of fun. It was a game they played, betting who would be the first person to figure it out. But three years passed and no one had a clue. That would change.

Alice was pregnant.

With James's child.

She sat in tears in the dormitory, Rose and Lily with her.

"Ali, you need to tell us what's wrong," Rose said and handed her a tissue. "Otherwise we can't help you."

The pregnant sixth-year sniffled. "Trust me. The only person I can talk to right now is James. Even if I don't want to."

"James?" Lily cut in. "What does my brother have to do with this?"

Alice gave her a sad look. "You'll see soon enough. Excuse me."

She got up and left.

Rose stood up to go to the restroom, and when she walked in, she screamed. "Lily! Get in here now!"

The two girls stared at the stick Alice had left on the sink. It was a pregnancy test. There was a little blue plus on the front.

Alice had found James on the Quidditch pitch, talking with Fred.

"Jamie, I need to talk to you."

Ha gave her a dazzling smile.

"Anything for you."

Fred raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

When the were out of earshot, James noticed she looked sad.

"Hey, Ali, I'm sorry. I almost blew out cover–"

"James I'm pregnant."

He took in a deep breath, and in front of everyone, kissed her like he'd never done before.

"This is wonderful news!" He laughed and hugged her after wiping away her tears.

"You're not upset?" She asked softly.

"I've never been happier in my life. I mean, I know it's a little earlier than we expected, but we were planning on having kids in the future..." He wiggled his eyebrows, making her blush.

"I guess you're right," she agreed. "This could be good for us."

They walked into the school hand-in-hand.

"Now we just have to tell our families..."

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