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Rose was sitting on the sofa in the Slytherin common room, studying with Albus and Scorpius.

There was a warm fire blazing in front of her. Albus was sitting on the ground, and Scorpius was sitting on the couch next to her.

She shivered.

"Here," Scorp said as he placed his Quidditch jacket around her shoulders.

"Thanks," Rose shoved him playfully.

She noticed the jacket smelled of cedar wood and spices. She resisted pulling it to her face and taking in a long sniff.

"I better be going," she said as she looked at the clock.

"Alright, see you, Rose," Al smiled at her.

"Good night, Rose," Scorpius smiled, his face tinged pink.


The next day in potions, Rose and Scorpius were both late. They had been reading in their favorite spot in the library.

Once they realized they were late, they sprinted to their classroom out of breath.

The elderly Professor Slughorn stopped his lesson and turned to the teenagers.

"Ms. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy. Late again."

He paced the floor in front of a cauldron on his desk.

"Come up here, children. Tell us what you smell."

Rose and Scorpius looked at each other.

He went first.

"It smells like a calm fire." He took in a deeper breath. "And my grandmother's bread... and..."

Rose's hair.

"Um, paper," he lied, his face red.

Slughorn saw right through the lie, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Well then, Ms. Weasley, what do you smell?"

She stepped up cautiously, wondering what this potion could be.

"I smell... cedar wood... and..."

She immediately looked down and she was still wearing Scorpius's jacket.

"Um, that's all," she offered the class.

Once Potions was over, she ran out into the girls' bathroom and took in a deep breath, pulling the jacket to her face. This is what she smelled.

It was Amortentia, the strongest love potion. And it smelled like... her best friend. Scorpius.

What does this mean?!

How could she have not noticed before? She was in love with him!

Did he love her too?

Rose always considered herself an outgoing person. So she should be outgoing when she tells him, right? What could go wrong?

She was thinking just this when she opened this week's letter from her parents.

Dear Rose,
How are you and your friends? I can't wait for you to come home for Christmas!

Your father and I want to make sure that you are prepared for all your tests, and that you are always safe. Try not to get distracted at school, okay?

See you soon!
Love, Mom and Dad

It's like they could read her mind. How could they know Scorpius was distracting her? She would be so afraid of they found out...

Then she noticed a side note attached.

I hope you are well. But I want to remind you that a lot of kids your age are making bad choices, so be smart. Please don't date anyone I wouldn't approve of, and don't do anything you know you shouldn't. I love you and I'm only trying to look out for you.

I love you very much.

P.S. Please make sure Hugo studies for all his tests! And let him know he should get his letter soon.

Rose put the letters in a drawer in her desk. Now, she was about to disappoint her parents.

The Great Hall was filled with joy and laughter as snow started to fall. But she couldn't keep her head straight to pay attention.

Halfway through her meal, she noticed Scorpius kept staring at her.

Better get this over with.

She walked over to the Slytherin table and when she saw him wave at her, she didn't say anything. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. The entire room noticed but she didn't care.

Once dinner was over, everyone went to their dormitories, but in the commotion, she found Scorpius's hand. She pulled him into a dark hallway immediately told him how she felt.

"I love you," she blurted out.

Then he kissed her slowly. "I love you too."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist, and they held each other as they kissed. Nothing could be better.

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