Future Mrs. Lupin

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Every year on the day that Remus and Tonks died, Teddy would go alone to visit their graves. It was a horrible day for everyone.

Victoire would wait silently in her room while her fiancé left. He never wanted her to see him weak. But this year, he wanted to take her along.

"Will you come, Vic? I want my parents to meet you before we're married."

She smiled softly and nodded. It didn't take long to arrive. A cold, stone bench sat in front of the stone.

                            Remus Lupin
                       1960- May 2, 1998
                      Nymphadora Lupin
                        1973- May 2, 1998

   "They died to make a better life for us all."

For an hour at least, Teddy sat on the bench, silently. Vic was holding on to his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. She could feel him slightly shake and knew he was crying. She couldn't take it.

Vic stood up and walked in front of the gravestones. She sat down in front of them. Flowers grew at the base of the stones.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lupin. My name's Victoire Weasley. I'm a good friend of Teddy's. Well, more than that if you know what I mean."

Teddy softly smiled softly at his sweet, perfect love.

She continued. "We're going to be married soon. And Teddy will be a father someday. I know he'll be a great one, because even though he never knew you, you were still a great man.

"I wanted to say that I know you wish you were here. You probably wish you could give Teddy a hug everyday and tell him you love him whenever you get the chance. But I know you can't. You'll won't be able to until he's up there with you. But that won't be for a long time, so I'm going to do it for you. Everyday I will tell Teddy I love him. Everyday I will kiss him and hug him. I'll give him all the love in the world... because you cannot do that in person. You can love him completely from heaven, but he needs someone down here to love him. And I can do that. I will do that."

She turned around and saw Teddy slide off the bench. He knelt on the ground, and lifted his hands up to cover his weeping face.

"I love you, Victoire."

And as she promised, she crawled over to him, gave him a hug and a kiss, and told him she loved him.

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