Rose Told Me

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On perfect summer days, Rose, Scorpius, and Al would go to the Potters' and sit on the lawn.

From inside the kitchen, Ron, Harry, and Hermione would watch them. Rose picked up some leaves and threw them at the boys, while Scorpius laughed and Al threw some back at her.

Rose said something to make Al laugh, and he shoved Scorpius playfully.

The trio got up and went inside.

"Malfoy," Ron called, noticing something. "You got something there," he said gesturing to his face. A bit of dust was on his nose.

Scorpius smiled.

"I know. Rose just told me."

Ron choked on his water, and Hermione covered her mouth, suppressing a smile. Harry stifled a laugh.

"Did she?" Hermione asked the boy.

"Yeah," he said as Rose walked back into the room with a washcloth. She walked up to Malfoy and started cleaning his face.

"Men can't do anything for themselves," she muttered under her breath as the kids went downstairs.

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