It Was James's Idea

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(A/N: Once again this chapter takes place at the Burrow- the same as the last 2 chapters. Also, it's Scorose.)

Rose was doing the dishes when everyone was crowded sitting at the table.

Lily turned to Vic and whispered in her ear, "I think Rose only pretends to hate Malfoy. Whenever another girl talks to him, she gets super jealous. Watch this."

Vic laughed at her cousin.

Lily got up and walked over to Scorpius, purposely brushing their arms together. "So I was wondering if you would help me with something for Potions class-"

"Lily!" Rose practically screamed. "I could use your help with the dishes!"

People around the table laughed. Scorpius, of course, was oblivious.

"Possessive, are we?" Lily laughed.

"What?! No!" Rose's face was completely red. Lily raised her eyebrows with a knowing look.

"Oh, bugger off, Lily!"

More laughs.

After a few minutes, James decided to break the silence.

"Let's play truth or dare!" He yelled to his cousins.

They all were sitting in the basement when he had the idea. Everyone agreed so they sat in a circle on the floor.

The players were Molly, Lucy, Scorpius, Rose, Albus, Lily, Fred, Roxanne, Lorcan, Lysander, Hugo, James (of course), and Alice Longbottom.

"I'll go first," said James.

"Scorpius, truth or dare?"

"Um... Dare," he said and immediately regretted it. He doubted James would have him do something normal.

"You have to take your shirt off and let us all write something on you with this," James said, holding up a permanent marker. "An then you have to go show it off to all the adults upstairs."

Scorpius's face suddenly paled, but he did what he was told. Rose's face suddenly reddened. His abs were the definition of perfect.

Fred whistled, "Wow, lookin' good, blondie."

"Let's keep it that way," Scorpius said in fear of what they would write on him.

Rose took this task as a joke and wrote "i <3 Rose Weasley" on his arm.

He secretly liked that one.

Albus attempted to draw a picture of a Hippogriff on Scorpius's face. It looked like a pile of unicorn dung.

Fred wrote "Fred was here" across his chest.

But the worst one was James's. He wrote "RON WEASLEY = MY FUTURE FATHER-IN-LAW" across his entire back. But Scorpius didn't know what that one said. James wouldn't let anyone tell him.

They all walked up the stairs.

Fred and James stood at the top. "Here comes your future son-in-law," Fred called to Ron. The man raised an eyebrow.

Rose and Scorpius were still on the staircase. "Listen," the blonde said the her, "if I don't make it out alive, I just want you to know that I... Um, well I know you don't really like me, but I really like you. I- I mean I might even love-"

He was cut off by her kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist. He deepened the kiss.

It was her that kissed him. And when they broke apart, they shared a laugh.

"I love you, too," Rose said.

Upstairs things were getting awkward. "Well?" Called Ron. "What do you mean?"

Albus went to check on them. They should've been upstairs following right behind. He opened the door to the basement and immediately closed it, laughing. "They're snogging."

Ron stood up from the table. "Who's snogging?" He asked, his voice at a dangerous tone.

James went to the basement and pulled Rose and Scorpius up. "Who do you think?"

Rose didn't want her dad to get upset, but he needed to be told a thing or two about holding grudges. She kissed Scorpius in front of her entire family.

Some people laughed, others clapped, but the majority was passing around bags of coins.

"You bet on us?"

"Well duh," Lily said.

Everyone chatted for a minute when James decided to finish their game.

The group went back downstairs.

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