Eye Contact

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Every time Scorpius Malfoy did something Rose thought was cute, she would look to Lily and both girls would smile. Just one time, their family caught this happen.

They were at the Burrow over summer again, and their family was playing Quidditch outside. It was a rather hot day, and Scorpius was wearing a sweatshirt. He lifted it off, but when that happened, part of his muscled stomach was revealed.

Rose immediately choked on her water, and Lily burst out laughing. She tried covering her mouth, but that caused them to laugh harder. Rose was frantically fanning herself.

"It's very hot out, isn't it Lily?" Rose said, her face extremely red from embarrassment.

"Very hot indeed," she replied.

Their entire family watched this little spectacle happen. Scorpius, of course, was oblivious.

"It's not too bad," he said. "I mean, there's a nice breeze..."

This caused the girls to laugh even harder.

"Your boy is funny," Lily said to Rose.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded.

"What do you mean 'your boy'?" Ron asked.

Scorpius shrugged and gave Rose a confused look.

"Women..." He shook his head and they continued their game.

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