Secret Photos

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"Here's the deal," stated James, handing a few galleons to Anthony Finnigan, his friend Rory's little brother.

"You have to take embarrassing photos of all my family members. Excluding me, of course."

The young boy nodded.

"Why do you need me to take pictures of them?"

James at first was going to tell him to bugger off, but then decided against it.

"I'm going to make an embarrassing family photo album for Christmas. It will be hilarious."

Anthony nodded again.

"But it's a secret, so don't tell anyone."


Albus was having the worst day. First, his owl, Athens, dropped a letter on his head in the Great Hall. It was a howler from his mom for doing so poorly in Potions.

Leaving the Great Hall, he saw his sister snogging Lysander Scamander. His sister! He tried clearing the thought out of his head, but no such luck came to him.

After that, Professor Longbottom called on him in Herbology, and he had no idea what the question was.

"Um, butterflies," he said dumbly as his answer. He reddened, realizing that his crush, Violet Zabini, was in that class.

Sulking as he left the classroom, he wasn't watching where he was going and fell down the stairs. He groaned.

In the Slytherin common room, he was icing his arm when Scorpius walked in. The poor boy looked very red. Red and pale at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Al asked.

"Um, do you know who Anthony Finnigan is?"

"The first year? Yeah, I guess so."

Scorp was about to reply but changed his mind.

"Nothing," he muttered to himself.

Even my best mate won't talk to me!

He rolled over on his bed, allowing sleep.


Rose had the weirdest day ever!

Her secret boyfriend, Scorpius, was flirting with her like they usually do, but something felt off. It felt as though they were being watched.

She leaned in for a kiss right as a little click was heard. She thought maybe it was just a twig they stepped on. So she kissed him anyway. But it was no twig she heard.

She turned to see Anthony Finnigan standing there, a camera in his hands.

"Hey!" Scorp yelled. "Give me that!"

But the little first year was very fast. He quickly ran away.

She shrugged and kissed her boyfriend again.

It's not like anyone will actually see those photos, she thought.

"At least we get to come home for Christmas break tomorrow. I'm so glad you're coming with!"

"Me too," he smiled.


"I have a present for everyone!" Shouted James to his family.

Everyone circled around and looked down at the table he motioned to. On it sat a book titled James is Awesome and his Family is Made up of Embarrassing Lunatics.

"Wow, thanks for that," said Lily.

"Anytime, dear sister." James flashed a sideways grin.

Uncle Harry turned the page. On it showed Al falling down the stairs at Hogwarts. Everyone laughed.

Al's face was beet red.

The page was turned again, showing Fred hugging a tree.

"Um, I can explain..." He started to say, but James interrupted him.

"All right, Fred, we all know your secret. You are sexually attracted to trees. Go on," he motioned to his dad.

Uncle Harry turned the page again, but quickly covered it up, and turned it away from Ron.

"What? What's on the page? We want to see, Harry," Ron said.

Harry looked wide eyed Scorpius as if to say, run.

Just then, Scorpius seemed to realize what Harry meant. He looked to Rose and mouthed, Anthony Finnigan.

Her eyes popped open as she tried to pry the book away from her father.

"Nothing to see here, Dad! Give it to me!"

But he stared at the page, open-mouthed.

On it showed Scorpius and Rose snogging under their favorite tree at Hogwarts.

Once again, I apologize for a horrible ending. What is with me? I think it must be school... Yes, school... That's it. And it's interesting that "school" was word number 666. Coincidence I think not.

Haha JK.

See ya later.


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