Stay Quiet

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(A/N: This will probably be the last chapter at the Burrow for a while. Scorose again.)

"You came," Rose said matter-of-factly.

"Of course," Scorpius replied. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't?"

"I didn't want to talk," Rose said seductively. "I had something else in mind."

She made her way towards him until they were only inches apart.

"You do realize that your entire family is in this house and they would kill me if they found out?" Scorpius raised an eyebrow.

Rose put up a silencing charm and kissed him.

"They won't."

He deepened the kiss and they laid down on the bed. Their tongues danced for a while before he started trailing kisses on her neck. He had flipped her over so she was under him.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Will you always love me?"


Rose ripped Scorpius's shirt off his head as he fumbled trying to unhook her bra.

"Tell me if this is too much," he whispered against her skin.

"No," she said, "I don't want you to stop."

Scorpius woke up in Rose's bed early in the morning. He smiled as he looked down an her tangled in the sheets. It was probably 5:00 so he realized he could go to the room he was sharing with Albus before anyone else woke up.

He pulled on his clothes, but couldn't find his shirt. Glancing at Rose he realized that she put it on during the night.

He gingerly kissed her forehead and walked quietly out the door, only to end up in the kitchen, face to face with George. For a minute they just stared at each other.

"Good morning," Rose's uncle said as he raised an eyebrow. He looked between Scorpius and Rose's bedroom as he took a sip of his coffee.

Awkwardly, Scorpius mumbled something and walked backwards out of the room.

He laid down on Albus's floor, praying that George wouldn't say anything.

Breakfast the next morning was delicious. For everyone except Rose and Scorpius. Neither of them could touch their plates.

Rose could feel that someone else knew about her night with Scorpius.

She looked at him and he cast her a look saying I'll tell you later.

"So how did everyone sleep?" Uncle George commented. Was it just Rose or did he have a small smirk on his face, and was he looking directly at her?

"Very well," she commented.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Scorpius smiling.

"Aye, me too," he said.

It was Albus's turn to speak up.

"How did you sleep so well?" He asked obliviously. "You only came to bed at five in the morning."

Some people laughed or gasped because they could guess why. But Ron had dropped his knife on the floor. That was a good thing, otherwise it would be aimed at Scorpius.

"What?!" Snarled Ron.

He stood up, roughly knocking his chair backwards. He pointed at Scorpius aggressively.

"Do you love her?"

That was not what he had expected to hear.

"Yes, of course."

"You better."

Scorpius was a very lucky boy. In fact, some could call him the boy that lived.

Hahaha JK

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