The Generation After That

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If you value your time, do not waste it reading this garbage chapter. It's so bad it's not even funny. I'm sirius. Ok I'm sorry. I have a headache. Gah my life.

"James!" Everyone yelled as they adjusted to their surroundings. They were in a classroom at Hogwarts. But something didn't feel right.

Rose looked up to her her mother staring at them. But she was younger, almost as if...

"James," Rose's tone was dangerously calm. "What did you do?!"

He shifted and tried to hide a smile.

"Well, I was looking at Aunt Hermione's time turner, and the next thing I knew... Bam! We are no longer where we were."

"Wow, good thinking, genius," Fred laughed at him.

The gears were slowly turning in Hermione's head.

"You're from the future?" She asked. It sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yes," the kids all said at once.

"I'll round everyone up. Stay here," she said, cautiously walking backwards out the door.


Dumbledore called everyone into his office.

The time travelers were James, Albus, Lily, Rose, Hugo, Teddy, Fred, Roxanne, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Molly, Lucy, Lorcan, Lysander, Alice Longbottom, and Scorpius Malfoy.

The others Dumbledore called in were Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Tonks, all the Weasley students, Professor McGonagall, and Sirius Black. The students were only in their fifth year.

"You're time travelers, you say?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes," Alice responded.

"Then please do introduce yourselves. State your names and parents, please."

"I'll go first," she said. "My name is Alice. My parents are Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom." Neville shifted.

Ali looked at her boyfriend, James.

"I am the handsome James Potter. My parents are..." He looked at Fred. "Drumroll please. Ginny and Harry."

Harry and Ginny blushed deep scarlet. Ron looked like he wanted to beat Harry. "That's my sister! You knocked up my little sister!"

"Twice more," Albus interjected. "Al Potter. Second of Harry and Ginny. And that's Lily, our sister."

She gave a wave.

Ron almost fainted.

"Don't pass out just yet," Rose started. "I'm your daughter, Rose."

"And your mother?"


Neither of them could look at each other.

"But wait, there's more," Hugo laughed. "I am also your child. My name is Hugo." He turned to Hermione. "Please make me some food, Mum."

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