Always Right

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In their first year, Rose and Scorpius immediately became friends. Scorpius was the cute dork and Rose was the pretty genius. In every class, for every question, Rose would raise her hand. But Scorpius wasn't very good at Transfiguration. Rose told him to pay attention to what she said.

So he did.
And she was always right.

He rolled his eyes and smiled down at her.


In their second year, Albus dared them to go into the Forbidden Forest. So they went in. Along the way, they saw animal fur on the ground. They made a bet. Rose thought it was from a Hippogriff, and Scorpius believed it was from a Unicorn. They followed it until the trail ended. In front of them was a pack of Hippogriffs.

Rose had insisted that Scorpius listen to her.
And she was right.

He shook his head and smiled down at his best friend.


In their third year, Scorpius's mother passed away. He was very distant for a long time. It wasn't until Christmas that Rose came and found him in the astronomy tower, sitting and staring outside. She sat next to him, wrapped an arm around him, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It'll get better."

And it did.
Because of Rose Weasley, the girl who was always right.

For the first time in months, Scorpius Malfoy had smiled.


In Rose and Scorpius's fourth year, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came to visit and attend the Yule Ball. They decided to go together because that's what friends do, right?

Scorpius led Rose onto the floor. It was a slow song, and she rested her head against his chest. Rose, holding Scorpius in her arms, realized that she loved him. She lifted her chin up so she could meet his eyes. He was looking at her as if she was the only person in the world.

I think he loves me, too.

He smiled down at her, eyes shining. She was right.


The summer before their fifth year at Hogwarts, all of the Weasleys were at the Burrow. Rose was waiting for Scorpius, who Albus had invited.

All of her cousins were playing Charades. They had to do very embarrassing things. When Scorpius would come she could use him as an excuse not to play. She needed him.

Finally he arrived. Rose ran to the door and swung it open wildly. She ran into his embrace.

"Thanks for saving me," she said with a smile.

"I'll always be here to save you."

She buried her face into his neck.

Rose knew that he would always be there when she needed him, whether it was a life or death situation, or just to get out of family games.

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