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Sorry I keep doing James and Alice, but they're my literal OTP. Takes place when they're seventh years.

It was summer time again, and the entire Wotter clan was at the Burrow for a week. The whole family caused so much chaos together, so they decided to go on a road trip. What they didn't realize was James and Alice weren't there. While the family went away, the two teenagers were all alone in the big house.

Of course, they slept in. Alice had been staying with Roxanne and Dominique, and James was with Albus, Scorpius, and Fred II.

But no one bothered to wake them up. They would be there the entire weekend.

When James woke up, he was at first upset, but then took this as an advantage.

"Ah, I got the whole place to myself," he said as he stretched his arms out.

"Not entirely," he heard a female yell from the hallway.

"Alice?" James laughed. This would be awesome. Spending time with his best friend for an entire weekend. Sure, this happened at Hogwarts, but now there was no one to bother them.

The brown-haired girl ran into his room and jumped on the bed.

"Wake up, Jamie!" She shouted in his ear.

Instead of obeying, he flipped her over, so he had his arms wrapped around her and laid on top of her.

"Five more minutes."

Alice was completely aware of his warm, shirtless, muscular body on top of hers.

"James, we have the whole place to ourselves. This can be fun..."

He opened one eye and looked at her.

"Alright, Ali," he said with a smile. "Just let me shower first."

She ruffled up his hair.

"I'm gonna make you breakfast," she said with a wink.


Once she finished making the eggs, bacon, and toast, she realized there was nothing really to do.

James would surely be out of the shower by now, so Alice went up the stairs. James's door was closed, so she realized he must be in there. She quickly ran to the bathroom and lifted her shirt off. But when she opened the door, James was just walking out, and they ran into each other.

Alice screamed as her body hit James's hot, wet one. He was only wearing a towel around his waist, and it was very loose.

They landed on top of each other, a groaning pile of limbs. When James attempted to stand up, his towel was about to fall.

"James!" Alice screamed. He was completely naked.

"Alice..." His face was completely red as he covered himself up, and he could barely take his eyes off of her chest. "You... you're not wearing a shirt," he said dumbly. She had covered herself by crossing her arms across her chest.  

After awkwardly looking at each other's bodies for a minute, they rushed past each other.

When Alice was in the shower, she could feel her face was still hot.

She'd seen James naked before, but when they were little babies bathing together. This was beyond new.

Why had she found him so... intriguing? All that Quidditch must have paid off, because he was ripped. Hopefully he hadn't seen her bare chest, but she doubted that.

When she went downstairs, James was just finishing his breakfast. He couldn't meet her eye.

"Breakfast was great," he mumbled.

Alice nodded. "It sure was."

And neither of them could hold it in any longer. It started off as small laughs, but quickly turned louder. They laughed until they were crying and their stomachs hurt.

"I can't believe you have a tattoo of that," Alice exclaimed.

"I have other tattoos as well."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Show me."

It sounded like a dare, like he wouldn't actually undress in front of her again.

But he did.

He had a tattoo on his back of a dragon. She didn't know the kind.

On his left side said one word in cursive: Alice.

"What's this?" She asked.

He gave a small smile, like he was nervous.

"Last year," James started, "I lost a bet with Fred, and he dared me to get a tattoo of a girl that I would... that I would..."

He looked so shy, so vulnerable. It wasn't like him. He usually was arrogant, and loud...

"A girl that you would shag?" Alice asked, her eyes threatening to overflow with tears.

James immediately looked up like he was horrified.

"Alice I would never use you like that."

"Then why is my name on your side?"

He sighed and looked down at his feet. "I got a tattoo of the name of the girl that I would marry one day."

Very slowly, she looked up at him. His black hair fell in front of his warm, brown eyes.

His eyes reminded her of the earth. A new day. And she loved them.

"Marry?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

He nodded.

"I'm sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to frighten you or hurt you... I can't help it that I'm hopelessly in love with you. I have been since I first met you."

"James, I want to marry you." It was such a simple sentence, but it had years of love behind it.

He laughed. "Well that's good, otherwise this would be very awkward."

"No, James. I want to marry you. Now."

He stepped forward and gave her a long, tender kiss.

"Let's do it."


That night, as he laid down with his new wife, nothing else in the world mattered. Even if this wasn't the smartest decision he'd ever made, it was definitely the best one.

But the next morning would be disastrous.

The entire family returned early, and saw James and Alice in bed together. She had a ring on her finger.

Ginny and Hermione were the first ones to notice it.

"What on earth did you two do while we were gone?!" James's mother shouted. He rolled over and kissed his still sleeping wife.

"Oh you know... just laid around... We might have gotten married."

Let's just say it wasn't a very pleasant day. But no matter how hard anyone tried, they knew that these two were meant for each other.

Thanks for reading:) Does anyone know a good James/Alice story???

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