Chapter 4

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The next few months consisted of Ryan and I trying to outdo the other with our dares. Somehow it had become an unwritten rule that we'd keep the dares just between the two of us. I think at some point Mel and Avery are going to think I've gone crazy with the things Ryan is making me do and not telling them the truth.

One of the dares was at a Halloween party that everyone in our grade was attending, Ryan dared me to dress as a playboy bunny, he even gave me the outfit so I wouldn't get the wrong one. I retaliated making him dress up as Britney Spears, wig, high heals and all.

It backfired on both of us, most of the girls at the party had less clothing on than I did so I wasn't that embarrassed or at least I wasn't embarrassed on the outside because I refused to let Ryan see that I was embarrassed because I really was. Ryan certainly wasn't embarrassed, the girls loved him as Britney Spears, he even sang a few songs standing on a table and went home with one of the cheerleaders. 

I sat at home often trying to think of dares that would get to Ryan or maybe get him into trouble at school.  Every time I was dared to do something, I typically got detention or some other punishment, while he got a slap on the wrist or a warning from a teacher.  I wasn't sure how many warnings one person got but I was getting very frustrated that all he ever got were warnings. Apparently it pays to be a basketball god in high school.

"Hey, did you hear there's a party this weekend?" Avery asked as I approached her locker before the first bell rang.

"No, why? Oh please don't tell me you're dragging me to a party," I whined and leaned against the locker next to hers.

"Hell yes we're going!" Mel exclaimed, appearing next to me. I looked back at her, not aware she was near us or even that she had heard me complain. The more she knew I didn't want to attend a party, the more she would harass me to go.

"Well you guys go have fun, I'm going to stay home," I said as I looked at Avery, hoping she'd agree to skip the party or at least help me convince Mel not to make me go.

"But its the last party before Christmas holidays and most people are leaving for Christmas break," Mel whined, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, I'll go but Hayles you don't have to if you don't want to," Avery said and I smiled although I didn't miss the look she and Mel shared. I was about to ask what they were planning but the bell rang and I quickly said my goodbyes to them and ran across campus to my first class, making it just in time for the late bell to ring.

I took the only available seat, which unfortunately was next to Ryan. I scowled at him and he flashed his gorgeous smile in my direction. I rolled my eyes before I turned to direct my attention to the teacher.

As usual I got a note from Ryan in math class, daring me to take my dress off before class ended. Crap, I'm sure this one was going to give me detention.

I looked at the clock and realized the bell was about to ring. "Shit" I muttered to myself before I stood up.

"Oh my god, there's a bee in my dress!" I cried and quickly peeled off my dress, now only in a bra and panties in the middle of my English class. I knew my face was beet red but I didn't want to see the satisfaction on Ryan's face seeing how much it embarrassed me.

I ran out of the classroom and straight to the bathroom down the hall, quickly throwing my dress back on as I ran. I stood staring at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, trying to remind myself to be strong and not let that jackass get to me. When my face returned to my normal pale state, I quickly left the bathroom and went back to the classroom, the bell rang and everyone exited the classroom as I entered, snickers and pointing at me as they exited.

When the lunch bell rang I was very thankful and headed to the cafeteria with a note discreetly hidden in my palm for Ryan. I saw him walk into the cafeteria and I entered just behind him, discreetly depositing the note in his pocket. He immediately put his hand in his pocket and pulled the note out and when he read it he looked at me and glared. I smiled sweetly back at him.

I got my lunch and sat down with Avery and Mel, facing the jock's table so I would have full view of the display that was about to take place.

Ryan got his lunch and walked to his table, quickly glancing in my direction before turning back. I watched his drink purposefully fall from his tray and land on Tiffany, Ryan's current conquest, the girl he was going to have sex with at the party tonight, or so I had overheard that morning. The drink splattered all over her and I heard Ryan yell "SLUT" at her, although it wasn't as loud as I would've liked but it was loud enough to have all eyes in the cafeteria on them.

Ryan dropped his tray and walked out of the cafeteria. I knew he wanted to glare at me but there were too many people watching him.

I turned my attention back at Mel and Avery, who were both watching Ryan leave before looking back at Tiffany, who was screaming that she was covered in soda. I smiled to myself and picked up my fork and started eating my lunch.

The cafeteria quieted down and Avery and Mel continued their pointless conversation about the party tonight as if nothing crazy had just happened.

I got home later that afternoon after school had let out, fully content with spending the rest of the night doing homework and watching movies.  As I was laying on my bed doing my homework, my bedroom door burst open.  Avery and Mel charged into my room, both carrying bags in their hands.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked as I sat up, a confused look on my face.

"Well we're going to the party and you don't get a choice about it," Mel said as if it were obvious. They turned around and unpacked the bags, which consisted of makeup and very slutty dresses, none of which I would ever be caught dead in.

"Shit I hope you're wearing those because no way in hell am I going to," I said as I pointed at the tiny slutty dresses in their hands.

"You're so cute thinking you have a choice," Mel smirked without looking at me.

After about two hours, Avery had finished fixing my hair, Mel was done my makeup and I was standing in front of my mirror in a slinky dark blue dress and massive high heals that I was sure I was going to fall down in.

When they were finished getting ready themselves and decided I looked presentable, they dragged me to Mel's car and practically pushed me into the backseat.  I'm not sure why but I continued fighting with them and coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn't go to the party.  It didn't work. 

Mel stopped the car and I looked up to see where we were. I wasn't sure whose house it was but it was a beautiful two-storey brick house that had cars parked all along the sidewalk in front of the house and down the street. Teenagers were standing around on the yard and going in and out of the front door. I could hear the music coming from the house and it was so loud it shook the windows of the car.

"This is going to be a long night," I muttered as Avery grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the car.

We walked into the house, Avery's hand was still gripping my wrist although I did my best to try to wrestle out of her grip.

I looked around the party, seeing the excited and happy people around me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, everyone looked happy and I'm with my best friends.  That was until my eyes locked on the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and my heart quickened as I held his gaze.

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