Chapter 24

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The first month of school was it's usual torture but I did what I did before I met Ryan, I kept to myself and hid behind my layers of clothing that Mel and Avery would've never let me out of the house with.

My dad and I got on a regular routine, I would come home from school, do my homework and start dinner. My dad made breakfast every morning before we went off for the day.

In October I was really homesick and starting to gain weight and my dad was starting to notice how stressed out I was getting. My dad bought me a plane ticket to go home for a long weekend and be with my friends. Before my dad even got the ticket out of his briefcase, I was on the phone with Avery and Mel to tell them I was coming for a visit. We spent that night on the phone planning what we were going to do for the three days I was there.

I couldn't concentrate on school for the next few days and I don't know for sure that I even went to the right classes. 

I was packed and sitting on my suitcase waiting to go, when my dad got home from work and he laughed when he saw me.

"Okay I get it, you're excited. You know we'll be early for the flight if we leave now," he explained.

"I'll eat on the flight," I said and he chucked as he walked into his bedroom and shut the door.

My dad was right, we were really early for my flight but I really didn't care. We walked around the airport and ate dinner together and after what felt like eternity, I was able to board my flight. I gave my dad a hug and I promised I would text him when I landed.

The flight was long and I slept most of the way, I thought it was better because it passed the time a lot faster. After I woke up and after I lost all my lives in candy crush, the flight attendant announced we were about ten minutes away. 

I got my stuff ready and was the first person off the plane, I might have knocked a few people out of the way and I'm sure I apologized as I was running passed them.

I ran into Mel and Avery's arms as soon as I saw them and I took all of us down to the ground in the most ungraceful moment of my life.

All three of us talked insistently throughout while we walked through the airport and the entire ride home. I'm not sure any of us could actually hear anything we were actually saying but we kept talking nevertheless.

We drove straight to our diner and had breakfast then went to Avery's house where we had planned to spend the rest of the weekend.

I continued to tell them all about living with my dad and the city I was living in, they told me all about the gossip around town and with our friends. Mel dropped Ryan's name once but I didn't hear what she said because Avery pinched her and she immediately stopped talking.

It still hurt hearing Ryan's name but I pretended like I didn't hear Mel say his name but I'm sure they both saw my face drop at the mention of his name.

We spent all day in Avery's room talking and having fun. We watched movies, did each other's makeup, tried on Avery's new clothes and talked about everything we've missed since I've been gone. 

I was getting back into the makeshift bed we made on Avery's bedroom floor from the bathroom in the middle of the night when I felt someone poke me and I turned to look at Avery's serious face.

"How long have you been throwing up?" she asked.

"I had the flu awhile back but I'm fine," I explained and shut my eyes before she poked me again.

"Is this because you've gained weight?" she asked. 

"I've been stressed and overeating," I explained and she put her hand on my shoulder and gave me her best comforting Avery smile.

"First I thought you were pregnant but I think an eating disorder is worse," she said and I looked at her in shock. Did she just say I was pregnant? Wait when was my last period? 

"What? You're pregnant?" Mel said in a tired voice behind me.

"When was your last period?" Avery asked and I turned back to her with a blank look on my face as I was trying to figure it out.

"I've been under a lot of stress!" I cried and sat up, putting my head in my hands.

"You stay here I'm going to go grab some snacks, we're clearly not going back to sleep anytime soon," Avery said as she got out of the bed, put her jean jacket on and rushed out the door.

"Do you think you are?" Mel asked and rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, letting out a deep sigh that I had been holding in for a long time.

"Is it Ryan's?" she asked and I peeked at her through my fingers to glare at her.

"What am I some kind of slut? Of course it would be Ryan's!" I cried and hit her playfully on the arm.

"Well I don't know, you kept one boyfriend from us, who knows how many you kept," she said sarcastically and I laughed. I leaned against her and we wrapped our arms around each other.

"Oh sorry do you guys need a minute?" Avery said when she entered the room.

"Actually yes, we're getting married now leave us be," Mel said sarcastically and threw a pillow at her.

Avery laughed and walked into the room after she narrowly missed the pillow and set the bags on the bed.

"I thought you were just going downstairs to get snacks," I said as she pulled out all our favorite late night snacks.

"No my parents don't keep one of these in the house," she said and pulled out a pregnancy test out of the paper bag.

"You guys I'm not pregnant," I said as I stared at the pink and white box in her hand.

"Well there's only one way to find out," Mel said as she grabbed the box from Avery and opened it to find instructions and something that looked like a stick that I assumed was the test.

"Don't you want to know for sure?" Avery asked and I sighed, grabbing the stick from Mel's open hand, I walked into the bathroom. I peed on the stick and left it on the counter in the bathroom and slowly walked into the bedroom where the girls were waiting.

"What did it say?" Mel asked.

"I don't know, I have to wait a few minutes," I explained and sat down beside them.

"Has it been long enough yet?" Mel asked me.

"I don't know," I answered shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I'm going to go check," she said and dashed into the bathroom. She returned a moment later with it in her hand but her face was completely blank.

"What does it say?" I asked her and stood next to her to see what the test said.

"It's a happy face," Mel replied and handed it to me.

"Is that a happy face like yay you're not pregnant?" I asked them and Avery shook her head softly.

"You're pregnant," was all I heard before I blacked out.

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