Chapter 23

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I stood there holding the doorknob on the door for I don't know how long. I kept staring at my half naked boyfriend on top of a almost completely naked Tiffany. 

"Hayles did you find Colin?" I heard Avery ask from the staircase landing a few feet from me. 

I couldn't speak as I continued to stare at the scene in front of me. Avery must have seen the odd expression on my face because she walked forward and gasped when she saw the same thing. She immediately slammed the door shut and ushered me down the stairs. I could hear Ryan calling my name behind me but that only made me walk faster.

"Hey are you girls ready to go home?" someone asked from beside us and I turned to see Colin. I immediately threw my arms around him and cried. He hesitatingly put his arms around me and I felt him moving us somewhere, finally picking me up and carrying me to his car. He put me in the backseat and Avery got in the passenger's seat. 

I looked out the window to see Ryan coming out of the house wearing only boxers and socks. He was screaming my name and his hands were flying wildly in order to stop us but Colin shot us through the dark forest as fast as he could.

"Did that really happen?" I asked, more to myself but when Avery looked back at me with those sympathetic eyes, I knew it had happened.

Avery spent every day and night with me for a week as I cried in her arms. We watched chick flicks and she cried with me at the end of every one of them.

My sister found out what happened the morning after the party and she screamed at me for trusting Ryan after she warned me not to. Even after I burst into tears she continued to scream at me until Avery came to my defense and we went back to my room where we spent the next week.

"I know you're hurting buttercup and I hate to make things worse but I have to leave for my new job tomorrow," my dad said when we were sitting on the sofa drinking tea together. Avery had gone home for the first time today because her family was going on a three week vacation to Europe. Avery said she wasn't going to go but I didn't want to be the reason for her not going to I made her go home

"I don't want you to leave yet," I whined and he smiled and put his hand on mine, giving it a squeeze for comfort.

"I put it off until tomorrow so I could be here with you and your sister but I have to go now," he said sadly.

"Then I'm coming," I said and he shot his head so fast to look at me, I thought he'd get whiplash.

"I have nothing here except Avery and Mel and I will always be friends with them and we can still go to college together in a year," I rambled off quickly as if I had been thinking about it for some time.

"You're not going to live across the country from me," my mother announced from the living room doorway.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions on where I live," I said and stood up, walking forward in order to face my mother.

"Don't be a fool, you're making this decision because of some boy," she said and folded her arms over her chest.

"Maybe I am but it's my choice," I said and brushed passed her shoulder and headed straight to my room to pack as quickly as I could.

It usually took me days to pack for any trip, mostly because I procrastinated, but I was packed and at the front door within an hour. My mother was in the living room and wouldn't look my way so I opened the door and looked back at her. "Goodbye mother," I said to my mom and walked out the front door to join my father in the taxi.

That night we were at his new house, I was completely jetlagged and went straight to sleep in his bed while he took the couch for the night, he said he'd get me a bed for the guest room tomorrow.

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