Chapter 15

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The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs and I rolled over to find the tent empty. I dressed quickly and emerged from the tent to see everyone walking around the campsite with plates full of eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and sausages. I looked over at the picnic table where the stoves were going with Hunter and Jeremy cooking breakfast for everyone.

I walked over to the picnic table and sat down, looking up to Hunter who was holding a full plate in my direction. I took it and thanked him, eating it hungrily, I can't remember the last time I ate breakfast food that wasn't toast or cereal.

After everyone finished breakfast and the high maintenance girls finished doing their makeup, we headed down to the lake. Most of us ran off the dock and jumped in the water, but a few of the girls sat on the beach and watched us have a water fight.

"Ha I finally won!" I cried as I pushed Ryan's head under the water and I laughed but he pulled me under with him.

"Fuck you!" I sputtered when I reached the top of the water, splashing him with water. He wiped the water off his face and smiled at me. His eyes sparkled with mischief but I didn't have enough time to swim away before he grabbed and tickled me, and pushed me under water. I managed to grab his side and tickled him and he jumped away from me and swam quickly away from me. Finally, the great and powerful jock has one weakness, he's ticklish, I smiled wickedly as I watched him swim to the rest of the group. They had seemed oblivious to Ryan's and my quarrel except when I looked at the beach where the girls were sitting, I caught Tiffany's cold glare. I looked at Ryan who followed my gaze to see Tiffany burning holes into me.

I shook off Tiffany's glares, swam to the rest of the group and jumped on Jeremy's back, pushing him under the water. When he emerged from the water he smiled before pushing me under and just as I was coming back up, he sprayed water in my face. That started another water fight.

When we emerged from the water and walked up the beach toward the campground, the prissy girls finally joined us and a few of the guys started cooking lunch.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work," I heard a voice from behind me and I turned around to see Tiffany, hands on her hips glaring at me.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked.

"You're trying to get with Ryan, but it's not going to work. He's mine!" she cried and I laughed which just made her glare harder and her face to start going red with anger.

"Oh my god you don't really believe that do you?" I asked as I continued to laugh.

"Yes, he's mine!" she cried, which made me laugh harder. Everyone turned to look our way but I ignored them.

"You can't be serious. He's a player and you're just a conquest, you'll be gone by the time this week is over," I smirked and walked away from her as she screamed my name. I ignored her and continued walking to the picnic table to help Jeremy and Ben cook lunch.

I looked up to see Ryan smirking as he looked at Tiffany, who was still screaming and her friends were trying to calm her down, her face was as red as a tomato.

"Watch it, Hailey, she can be a bitch," Jeremy warned me as he put a hamburger patty onto the bun I had prepared for Avery. Avery walked up to me and I handed her the burger and grabbed another plate to start making the next burger. Once everyone had their plates, Jeremy, Hunter and I joined the group around the campfire to eat.

When the sun started to set, we decided to play a few night games now even though some of us had already dug into the alcohol and were getting pretty tipsy. We played flashlight tag, hide and scare which was like hide and seek except you scared people when you found them. That was a hard game for me because I was scared very easily and even when I heard someone scream in the distance, I'd jump and scream. When I was out of that game I was happy because I could go back to camp to drink some more.

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