Chapter 2

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Kat had tryouts for lacrosse so she had to be at school early so I was stuck walking to school the next morning. I was deep in thought and didn't even notice someone walking beside me until they spoke.

"I don't even get a hello?" he asked and I jumped and almost fell over, but his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling on my face. I looked up into the eyes of Ryan, a guy I wasn't supposed to talk to. Damn...why did he have to look so good?

"Um, hi," I said and looked away. What am I supposed to say, you're the devil's spawn and I'm not allowed anywhere near you? No that wouldn't go over very well, I thought as I stared into his deep blue eyes.

"Well that's a start," he smiled and slowly let me out of his embrace. I stood awkwardly, looking anywhere but into his amazing eyes.

"I have to get to class," I said awkwardly as I walked towards the school, picking up my brisk pace. He walked faster to keep in step with me and continued trying to talk to me but I only replied with a few nods and a smile here and there. 

When we got to school he said bye as he headed to his group of friends and I headed into the school to meet Avery and Mel.

"Oh my god, guys, you're never going to believe who Ryan is!" I exclaimed when I reached them.

"Good morning to you too, Hayles," Mel said and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment. "Ryan is Ethan's brother!"

"Ethan, the bastard that broke Kat's heart?" Avery asked, staring at me with a stunned look on her face. By the look she and Mel were giving me, I assumed they remembered the story. They were both around for the breakup and Kat moping around the house for months, before she got back into sports and back to her friends. I never thought I'd be grateful for Kat's sports or her friends, but I was then because it brought her out of her funk. I thought she'd gotten over Ethan but with her response to me being even near his brother, I had to assume she still hated him.

"Yeah. Kat saw Ryan and I walking out of the school yesterday and she forbid me from talking to Ryan," I explained and both their eyes widened.

"So much for us being popular," Mel whined and we laughed.

"Come on girl, we're going to be late for class," Avery said to me as the bell rang.

Avery and I headed to the gym, one of the many classes I hated. We walked into the gym to see a few students putting up a volleyball net in the middle of the gym. Avery looked at me sympathetically, she knew how good Kat was at sports and Volleyball in particular. It was a lot to live up to, especially me, who had two left feet.

After changing into our gym clothes we walked back into the gym to see the rest of the class already sitting on the bleachers while the teacher, Mr. Turner, talked. Avery and I sat down as the teacher rattled on about volleyball, although I wasn't listening. My eyes had caught sight of those familiar brown locks and I froze, shit, I forgot he was in this class.

We were split into four groups, of course Ryan and I ended up on the same team, because life was never fair to me. We played a few games and Ryan kept trying to give me pointers, how to hold my fingers to spike the ball, and how to get a better serve. The more he talked, the more aggravated I was getting. Doesn't he get that I don't want to talk to him, doesn't he know what his brother did to my sister?

"Okay that's enough!" I screamed at Ryan and he recoiled, backing away from me as the entire class looked our way. Well that wasn't what I had planned on, I was supposed to be invisible, dammit.

"What is your problem?" he asked, seeming like he genuinely cared what was wrong with me. I looked into his eyes and he seemed genuine but I knew how mad Kat would be with me if I talked to Ryan again so I had no choice but to push him away.

"Just leave me alone!" I cried and glared at him.

"What is going on here?" I heard Mr. Turner ask as he made his way towards us.

"Nice going," Ryan said quietly and shook his head, before Mr. Turner approached us.

"Well, what is the problem?" Mr. Turner asked when neither Ryan or myself said anything to explain my outburst. I sure wasn't going to admit why I got mad and looking at Ryan, he didn't seem too forthcoming about the situation either.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me then I'll see both of you in detention after school," Mr. Turner said. Ryan shrugged like it was completely normal to get detention on the second day of school. I said nothing and eventually Mr. Turner walked away and Ryan and I didn't speak for the remainder of the class.

By the time school was over I was exhausted and ready to go home, but of course because I had an outburst in the middle of class, I had detention.

I walked into the gym to see Ryan sweeping the gym floor. I walked into Mr. Turner's office to grab a broom and walked back into the gym, starting to sweep the massive gym.

I was in my own world as I swept the gym and didn't notice Ryan next to me.

"Hey, what's your problem?" he whispered, trying not to have Mr. Turner hear him.

"You're my problem," I said and walked away and started sweeping in another location of the gym.

"I bet you're wrong," he said, suddenly at my side again. Doesn't this guy ever stop?

"You're wrong," I said flatly.

"I dare you to tell Mr. Turner it was your fault that we're in detention," he said and I looked up at him quickly, his eyes shimmering with mischief. I'm sure he knew I wasn't the type of person who did dares or mouthed off to a teacher.

"A dare? What are you, five years old?" I asked, trying to hold back the fear in my voice.

"Oh are you scared?" he asked, a smile on that beautiful face of his. Damn him.

"No!" I cried, dropping my broom hard and walking toward Mr. Turner. I heard Ryan cursing behind me and I smiled when I saw him holding his foot which I accidentally hit with the end of my broom when I dropped it...oops.

"Mr. Turner, I'm sorry for yelling in class but it was my fault," I explained when I was within ear reach of Mr. Turner. I made sure I spoke loudly enough for Ryan to hear me.

"I had such high hopes for you, Ms. Collins, Katherine is such a fine athlete and a terrific volleyball player and team captain. She would not have disrupted class as you had," Mr. Turner said and I zoned him out after that. I can only take so much of Kat's so great stories.

After his lengthy lecture, Mr. Turner dismissed us and Ryan and I walked out of the school and off the deserted school grounds.

We walked in silence until Ryan put his hand on my arm and we both stopped, glaring at each other.

"I'm giving you fair warning, I'm going to make your life hell," he said before he spun on his heals and in the direction of his house.

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