Chapter 3

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I wasn't sure what Ryan meant by him making my life miserable, but I didn't have to wait long to find out. The next morning I found a note in my locker, daring me to sing "Let it go" from the movie Frozen, in front of everyone in the cafeteria at lunch. Wow this will make a great first impression, I thought as I slammed my locker closed and walked to Avery's locker. 

Just as I was about to tell Avery and Mel what Ryan dared me to do, the bell rang and we went in different directions so I wasn't able to tell them, which was weird for me because we had no secrets.

I dreaded going to lunch that day, I wanted to be invisible and this was the complete opposite.  Thankfully Kat had different lunch times as she's a senior so she wont see my little performance but I knew she'd hear about it eventually.  

I walked into the cafeteria and joined Avery and Mel, my eyes fixed on the jock table where Ryan sat with a blonde girl on his lap.

After we sat down with our food, I started to eat but I could feel eyes on me, I looked up to see Ryan's gaze burning into me. He gave me a questioning look, which I felt was daring me to do the unthinkable. I took a deep breath, stood up on the bench then onto the table and started singing a song I knew so well, Frozen happened to be my guilty pleasure movie.  Now I doubted I'd ever be able to watch the movie again.  Stupid Ryan.

Avery yanked on my wrist, trying to sit me down and stop singing but I kept going, trying desperately just to finish the song and get out of the room. I could feel my hands shaking and my face was bright red with embarrassment, but I refused to give up after I'd come so far.

When I finished the song I rushed out of the cafeteria and I could hear laughing and Avery screaming my name, but I ignored all of it as I rushed to the library, hoping no one would see me as I hid in one of the tables in the back. 

I saw scrap paper and pencils in the middle of the table and smiled, grabbing one of each before scribbling my revenge down.  When I stood up, the bell rang and I headed to class, trying to keep my head down to avoid the snickers and pointing.

I changed into my gym clothes and took a seat on the bleachers.  When Ryan passed me, I handed him my note which he took before he took a seat behind me. I heard him open the note and growl and I was sure he rolled his eyes as well.  A few minutes later Avery sat down beside me, asking what I was thinking when I sang at lunch. I was glad when Mr. Turner started talking because I didn't know how to explain it to her.

Ryan and I were split into different teams today, most likely to avoid the same outburst as yesterday. Periodically during class, I could feel Ryan's eyes on me but I did my best to ignore him but I couldn't stop myself from glancing at him a few times. Why did he have to look so damn good?

When we were in the locker room showering and changing after class, Ryan walked in and headed straight to the bathroom section of the girl's locker room.  Most of the girls, including myself, followed him to see what he was doing even though I already knew, I wanted to make sure he was doing it. When I entered the bathroom area, he was getting tampons out of the machine beside the stalls.  When he had three tampons, he walked passed the girls and out of the girls locker room as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. The girls got dressed quickly and rushed out of the locker room and into the gym to find out what was going on with Ryan.

When I exited the locker room, a bunch of guys including Ryan were standing in front of Mr. Turner as he was giving them a lecture.

"You're all dismissed," Mr. Turner said as I approached and I frowned, missing what Ryan's punishment was.

"What happened?" I heard a girl ask as she walked out of the locker room, everyone still gathered in a group.

"Ryan went into the girls locker room for tampons for his girlfriend and Mr. Turner told him not to do it again," one of the boys answered.  I looked at Ryan, he flashed his beautiful smile and winked at me and I glared at him in return. Of course he wouldn't get in trouble, he's the school's golden boy.  I will just need to try harder next time, I thought as I pushed my way through the crowd and out the gym doors.

After I got home from school, I was making a snack in the kitchen when I heard the front door slam shut and I cringed, this wasn't going to be good. I turned to see Kat march in the kitchen, stopping in the doorway with her hands on her hips and glaring at me.

"What the hell were you thinking? Are you trying to embarrass me or something?" she cried and I rolled my eyes, of course she thought this was all about her.

I ignored her and turned back to cutting up the rest of my fruit.  When I finished I walked passed her and up to my room.  I knew she wasn't done with me but for now I could avoid the confrontation with her.

I sat on my bed and opened my laptop, getting ready to start my homework, before Kat barged into my room.

"You're supposed to support me, can't you just be normal?" She asked and I looked up at her.  I didn't want to tell her Ryan and I were talking, so I agreed with whatever she continued to ramble about. She smiled, hugged me and left my room, I shook my head. And she thought I was the crazy one.

Avery and Mel both called me a few times that night asking what I was thinking.  I still couldn't think of an excuse so I shrugged it off and told them I just felt like it. I don't know why I didn't tell them the truth about what Ryan and I were doing. I stayed up most of the night thinking about Ryan and what I could get him to do next and worse, what he would make me do next.

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