Chapter 13

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When I arrived home later the next afternoon, my parents were arguing in the living room and came to greet me when I walked through the front door. They were both red faced and looked furious. Wonderful, just like old times, I thought as I looked at them. Why was I against them getting divorced? Oh right, I had no say in my own life, I reminded myself.

"Where the hell have you been all night?" my mother yelled, pointing her finger in my face.

"Oh now you care?" I asked and chuckled. Like hell they cared, I could've been partying for years and they never would have even noticed.

"Of course we care," my father said and I shook my head, brushing passed them and up the stairs.

"You're grounded!" my mother yelled as I walked up the stairs.

"Whatever," I said and shut my bedroom door behind me. I plopped myself on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I looked over at my cell that was ringing on my night stand next to my bed.

"Hello?" I said without checking the caller ID.

"Hey, where have you been? I've been calling you since Friday night!" Avery cried and I shook my head.

"I slept in yesterday morning then my parents sat Kat and I down. They're getting a divorce so I left the house and went to some party last night and slept there. I guess I forgot my phone at home," I explained and I could hear her rummaging around on the other side of the phone, I knew she was pacing and most likely trying to find her keys.

"I'm coming over," she said.

"You can't. I'm grounded," I whined and she growled.

"I don't care. Your parents like me," she said and I heard the smile in her voice. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. She was right, my parents adored Avery, she got straight A's, was sweet, nice and played volleyball just like Kat. Avery was more of a member of my own family than I was.

I took a shower and was walking back into my bedroom when I jumped, seeing Avery spinning in my desk chair.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, grabbing the towel around me to make sure it didn't fall as it was the only thing I was wearing.

"Your parents love me," she answered sweetly and I threw the towel I had been using for my hair, at her and she laughed.

Avery ended up staying the rest of the day at my house. We did our homework, talked and as much as I wanted to tell her about Ryan, I didn't know where to start. If I did, I'd have to tell her about our dares and admit the one thing I didn't want to even admit to myself...I liked Ryan.

Avery and I ended up passing out on my bed, only to be woken by my stupid alarm on my phone in order to go to school.

"Wake up Hayles," I heard Avery say after she turned my alarm turned off.

"No, I don't want to go to school today," I whined and put my head under my pillow.

"Come on, no gym for you today, that has to make you a little happy," Avery said and despite myself, I smiled.

I got up and Avery was in my closet picking out what she wanted to wear for the day. It was nothing new, although she didn't like my clothes so at least once a month her and Mel dragged me to the mall to get new clothes, which now took up most of my closet.

"Here, wear this," Avery said and threw me jeans and a blue top. I rolled my eyes, now I don't even get to pick out my own clothes for school . It's a good thing I love Avery, I thought and smiled.

Once we were dressed we went downstairs, I made us toast and we rushed out the door to our cars and rushed to school before we were late.

I walked quickly passed Ryan and his friends, glaring at Ryan as I went by because he had his arm around Tiffany's waist, pulling her closer to him as he saw me walk passed.

I grabbed the books I needed from my locker then rushed down the hall to my first class, taking a seat a few seconds before the first bell rang.

I looked up just in time to see Ryan and Tiffany kissing goodbye at the door. Ryan smacked her ass and she squealed and rushed away.  Ryan turned around, a smile on his lips and walked into the classroom. Why do I have so many classes with this jackass?

At lunch I joined Avery and Mel as we walked into the cafeteria and toward the popular table, where Tiffany was sitting on Ryan's lap sucking on his neck. I pushed away my lunch, I was no longer hungry.

"What's wrong?" Avery asked when she saw me push my lunch away.

"I lost my appetite," I answered, still glaring at the scene in front of me. Ryan smiled at me as Tiffany continued to assault his neck. I was about to get up but Mel grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down.

"We were thinking we should all go camping for spring break," Hunter said and I rolled my eyes. I really hope I'm excluded from this little get together.

"Sorry I'm grounded," I said and started to get up but again Mel grabbed my wrist and pulled me to sit down again, this time digging her fingernails into my skin.

"I'll talk to your parents and get you out of that," Avery said sweetly and I glared at her but she just smiled back at me.

"Great. Is everyone else in?" Mel asked, looking around the table. Everyone seemed excited to go camping except for me. 

I loved camping, it had been a long time since I had gone but I really didn't want to go to watch Ryan and Tiffany sucking on each other all week. But I couldn't tell Mel or Avery why I didn't want to go camping because then I would have to admit that I liked Ryan, and I defiantly didn't want to admit that, to them or to myself.

The rest of the lunch hour everyone talked about what they wanted to do when we were camping.  Most were swimming, hiking, drinking, partying, night games, and a few others that I missed because I was continuing to glare at Ryan as Tiffany sucked on his neck.

I wonder if girls like Tiffany even noticed how slutty and desperate they looked, or if they did notice, did they care? 

I had never been so thankful when the bell rang, dismissing me from the PDA I had to endure the entire lunch period.  A week of this is going to be hell, I thought as I walked to my locker.

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