Chapter 9

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I was so excited for my first date with Mike this weekend that even a week's detention couldn't break my excitement. But detention was boring, I spent the week after school with the other delinquents, which was funny every time the teacher called us that.  Most of us were there for being tardy, only a few of us were there for more serious reasons including mouthing off to the teacher and getting into fights on school grounds.

As the week went on, the more Ryan was getting mad and frustrated with me and I hate to admit it but I really liked being able to get to Ryan.  After months of daring each other, this was the first time I felt like I had actually been getting under Ryan's skin.

Friday afternoon after detention I drove home to find Avery and Mel in my room.  I shouldn't be surprised, they didn't trust me to dress myself for my date with Mike.

"It's just a movie, I'm not marrying him," I complained when I had to change into yet another dress.  What was wrong with jeans?

"Do you really want him to see you dressed so casually?" Mel asked and I gave her a look that she shook her head to and said, "never mind, don't answer that."

For whatever reason Mike and I decided to meet at the movie theater, which I was happy about because I lied to the girls telling them that I was meeting him earlier than I was, because I was tired of them dressing me.  I also wanted avoided Kat because she wasn't happy about me dating Mike, she said it was her turf and didn't want me to embarrass her.  

The movie with Mike was fun but whoever said to go on a first date to the movies is an idiot because you can't talk and get to know someone in a movie theater.  After the movie, he convinced me to take a walk on the boardwalk, getting ice cream on the way, which I couldn't turn down.  What girl would ever turn down ice cream?

When he went on and on about baseball, football and other sports that I wasn't interested in, I thought I would fall asleep if I wasn't walking.  I contemplated jumping in the lake just to get away from him but decided against it because it would be too cold.

When we arrived at my car I was practically jumping for joy, I'd never been so happy to see my car before.  I nearly rushed to get into the driver's seat but he took my wrist and turned me to look at him, taking a step closer to me so I was wedged between my car and him, having no escape.

He pressed his lips hard against me and kissed me hard, no passion or anything in this kiss.  It was very different than the one we had on New Years and I didn't like it at all.  I pushed him off of me when he tried to stick his tongue down my throat. 

I quickly got in my car and raced out of the parking lot and up the mountain to the lookout, my favorite spot in the city.  It was secluded and no one ever came up here, let alone to my lookout spot.  I climbed through the trees before emerging to the familiar rocks and sat down on the cliff, looking out at the beautiful city below me.

I started to feel like someone was watching me and I worried about bears or other animals coming out and eating me alive, so I quickly walked back to my car and made my way home.

The next morning I awoke to loud arguing coming from below me.  It took a few moments to figure out it was just my parents and tried to go back to sleep but their arguing continued and was too loud for me to sleep through.

I walked into Kat's room, she was sitting on her bed texting on her phone, she looked up when I walked in and she gave me a knowing look.  I took a seat on her bed a few feet away and we sat in silence for a few minutes before she finished her texts.

"They're louder than normal today," I said and she nodded.

"Yeah but they'll get over it, they always do," she said and smiled.  But we both knew this time was different.

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