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I woke up to the smell of bacon and Alfred opening my curtains. I groaned from my the light burning my eyes.
"Alfred it's so early why'd you wake me up."
"Miss. Wayne it's already noon and your brother would like to see you. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed to go wash my face and brush my teeth. I slowly made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bacon and looked at Bruce
"You wanted to see me." Bruce cleared his throat which made me raise an eyebrow.
"Well yes um you see..." I learned forward nibbling my bacon amused.
"Cmon Brucey spit it out."
"I'm...sorry." I fought a smile back and said,"for?"
"For saying you couldn't see...joker...without an explanation and it was wrong of me especially since you're not a little girl anymore."
"Ok now that you apologized I guess I should tell you how it happened." I explained to him how Joker first fell for me and how I eventually fell for him because I saw past his flaws and why he decided that I should stay here.
"Belle...so you're telling me that you guys basically have a beauty and the beast love story." My eyebrow twitched
Really that's all he cares about
"Bruce...I explained how Penguin, two face, and scarecrow are after us and all you care about is our love story!"
"Isabelle relax I've taken them down before I could do it again."
"No Bruce! You should've seen the look on their faces especially Harvey!" Bruce rubbed his chin thinking about the situation.
"Ok I'll see what's up but I'm not gonna worry about Penguin first he's easy."
"Bruce we are taking him down first cuz that bird eye rapes me!" Bruce immediately stood up and started walking towards his batcave.
I knew that would get him going haha

Joker's p.o.v (shieeet yall didn't see that coming huh)

It's only been a day without my Isabelle and I already feel like dying. The first person I wanna take down is the fat old bird who eye rapes her.
"Panda! Batboy! We have some business to attend to!"
No one better get in my way.

Isabelle's p.o.v
I looked out the window to see the batmobile driving away
is he leaving without me!
Footsteps quickly made their way to me in panic
"Yes Miss. Wayne what happened?"
"Did Bruce leave to see penguin."
"Yes but he didn't want you to go for safety reasons." I made my way to the door not caring if I was in pajamas and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"Miss. Wayne I'm sorry but Master Wayne locked all the doors to make sure you wouldn't leave." I looked down at the door knob and saw there wasn't a keyhole
Damn you Bruce and your computers!
I wasn't good at technology so I guess I was stuck at home. I went to the living room and dropped down on the couch and started having a Friends marathon while I waited for him to come home so I could kill him.

Joker's p.o.v
I got to Penguins place and saw the batmobile parked in an alley I was going to hide in.
Dammit Bruce your supposed to stay with Isabelle!
I barged through the doors and saw batsy holding penguin up by his collar.
"Yo batsy! How rude of you not to invite me to this wonderful get together." Batman still held onto Penguin and didn't bother to look at me.
"Go home joker I got this." He then dropped him on the floor and I couldn't miss this chance so I bent down next to bird brain and back handed him.
"That's what you get for looking at my girl." I then slapped him again. "And that's for messing with my girl." Penguin spat blood on the floor and looked up at me and batman.
"Wow you guys are in the same room together and haven't killed each other. My...does this have to do with the girl? I can't wait to see how the Christmas party will be like!" Batman punched penguin knocking him out. I laughed darkly and looked at batsy
"You left Isabelle alone! Maybe she would've been safer staying with me." Batman quickly wrapped his hand around my neck.
"Don't you dare try to imply she's not safe with me! You're lucky she loves you or else you'd end up like Penguin!" He lets go and tells me to leave. Before I walked out the door I said to Bruce," tell her I love her and if you don't she won't be in that house tomorrow." I then hopped in my nice ass car and drove off with my thoughts of my angel.

Isabelle's p.o.v
I was still having my marathon and it was taking Bruce a while to come back home. I looked down at the bracelet J gave me and smiled
Man I miss him...
I tear slipped down my cheek and I heard Bruce coming out of the batcave so I quickly wiped my tear and acted like nothing happened.
"Isabelle I ran into your boyfriend when I saw penguin." I quickly stood up and ran towards Bruce.
"WHAT DID HE SAY." Bruce chuckled and held onto my shoulders
"Calm down for a sec. He was there to take down penguin but I beat him to it. He also said he loves you." I smiled and looked down at my feet happy that he's thinking of me.
"Ok Bruce at least penguin is down. Speaking of penguin... YOU DIDNT TAKE ME WITH YOU."
"Isabelle did you really want to go see someone who wants to do things to you?"
"Ok fine but next time you're taking me with you cuz I know how to kick ass too."
"Fine but you're gonna need some training to refresh your memory." I smiled like a little school girl and hugged him.
"Thank you thank you! After all this I can stay with J again and not have a worry in the world!"
Bruce put his arm around me and led me to my room.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself Isabelle now get ready we're going to start training tonight."

Joker's p.o.v
I was in my office debating who should go down next two face or scarecrow? After my little run in with bats I started to worry about Isabelle more.
If anything were to happen to that girl...
I shook my head getting rid of my negative thoughts. I haven't done anything fun in a while. Maybe I should rob a jewelry store and get something for her. I was about to leave until my phone rang at my desk. I picked it up and said," who's this?"
"Hey you bastard it's Harvey Dent. You remember me?" I clenched my jaw trying to hold back my rage.
"What do you want Dent."
"Well you see...you took away someone important to me and I'm going to do the same thing to you. Isabelle's a pretty lady isn't she?"
"You lay one finger on her and your face isn't going to be the only thing that gets charred you understand me?"
"Just face it Joker you aren't going to win this one especially since I have scarecrow working with me so just give up now." The line went dead and I slammed the phone down.
"He obviously hasn't met the clown prince of crime."

Hey guys! Sorry if I start to lack I was given homework over the summer for AP classes and I'm just now working on it! Anyways I hope you guys are liking the story so far!

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