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I can't believe Bruce is actually agreeing to this! Did Joker knock him upside the head when they saw each other? Well whatever happened I don't care because I am finally being trusted to come along when shit goes down. I had my workout clothes on and pulled my hair into a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror.
Ok Isabelle you got this
I gave myself a thumbs up and skipped out of my room towards the batcave
"Bruce I'm ready!" The batcave opens up and I walked in forgetting how huge it was
Oh my gosh someone can get lost in here.
"Isabelle come this way and watch your step too you don't want to fall off the step."
I looked down to my sides and yup there were no railings or anything just a drop.
How safe of you batman
I walked over to where Bruce called me and saw he had a whole training center set up. There was a boxing ring, punching bags, dummies, targets, etc you get the point. There was also a rack of weapons that I felt myself tear up to
"They're so beautiful Bruce can I use them."
"Sure but you have to focus on combat training first." I sighed and got into the boxing ring with Bruce and put on some gloves.
"Bruce I think I'm fine with combat training I can easily kick someone's ass."
"Oh really?" Bruce smirked. He then tried to kick my feet out from underneath me but I flipped out of the way and swung my leg around towards his face. He tried to lean back and dodge it but my leg was quicker and I ended up nicking him at the bottom of his chin. He rubbed his chin and looked back at me impress.
"You're still quick as ever bells."
"Blah blah whatever just fight me." We continued sparring and I got in a few hits there and there and he also got some hits on me too. He somehow got me into a headlock but since I was flexible I kicked my legs up wrapping them around his neck and pulling him forward making us both flip. I recovered quickly because I took less impact and flipped him on to his stomach and put his arm around his back pushing it up slightly.
"Ow ow ok Isabelle you got me."
I got off him and started cheering and saying things like I KICKED BATMAN'S ASS. Bruce just stood there laughing at me and said," whatever I just went easy on you." I rolled my eyes knowing he could never admit defeat.
"Ok Bruce on to weapons!" He walked over to his weapon rack and showed it off like a salesgirl which made me smile.
"Ok which one do you want to practice with."
"Hmmm well I already know how to use a gun and knife so I want to learn how to throw batarangs." Bruce set his batarangs on a table and set a target in front of me.
Before he could say anything I grabbed one between my fingers and threw it at the target making a bullseye. Bruce's eyes widened in surprise then he clasped his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me lovingly.
"I always knew you had it in you. You're a natural assassin and that scares me." I threw some more making bullseyes or close to that until Bruce stopped me.
"Ok I think you were right you don't need any training." I stuck my tongue out at him and said," I told you so."

We decided to go out for dinner after training as celebration for my success and to give Alfred a break. We ordered Italian food and decided to talk while we waited for our food.
"You know Bruce, Alfred is happy that we're getting along again."
"Yea I'm happy about it too but I still want to know more about your relationship with Joker." I gave him the are you serious look and said," well I want to know about your relationship with Selina who happens to be my friend Mr. Promise Ring." Bruce went speechless and coughed looking embarrassed that I knew about it.
"Well we met when I was hunting down a thief and the thief happened to be her and I don't know...we just clicked." I gave a soft smile when I saw the love he had in his eyes.
"The same thing happened with Joker and I...we just clicked. It's even better since Harley is ok with it too surprisingly."
"Isabelle he's still a wanted criminal so if he ends up in jail don't get mad at me." I gave him a bitch face and said," isn't Selina considered a criminal too?" I knew I got him right there because he said," fine I'm ok with your beauty and the beast relationship as long as you're ok with mine." I shook hands with him agreeing but still decided to mess with him.
"Bruce you said you're fine with my beauty and the beast relationship as long as I'm ok with yours...so are you saying Selina is your beast?" He choked on his water and quickly started saying no and how she's the beauty and stuff and I was just there laughing my ass off. Our food came and we ate in a comfortable silence and I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around and saw a table in the corner with a guy who had his face shielded from a hat. He looked up enough to show his chin, mouth, and nose. I realized that half his face was burnt and that it was Harvey. He saw the look on my face and put a finger to his lips then did the whole slicing your neck gesture if I said anything.
"Um Bruce? Can we go home now?"
"Why we haven't been eating that long and-"
"Let's just go home now." Not wanting to argue with me he asked for some boxes and we went home. Bruce asked if I was fine and I kept denying it saying that I just wanted to have another marathon. I jumped on my bed and looked out my window and admired Gotham at night. I walked into my bathroom to shower when I saw a bouquet of red roses on the counter. I smiled instantly knowing who they were from and read the card attached
Hello my sweet Isabelle I hope you're still safe without me and always check your surroundings I love you
P.s I didn't actually go in your room I had your butler deliver set them there the look on his face babe HAHA.
I smiled even bigger and looked at the roses
They're even the same color as his lips. I wonder what he's doing right now.

Joker's p.o.v
Ive been so stressed out ever since that damn phone call with the punk bastard. I even killed a couple of my goons to relieve my stress.
Isabelle's not gonna like that...
I usually never have a plan when I do the things I do but this time it was different since it was about her. My plan was to take down scarecrow first because of the fear gas giving me less things to worry about. I may not seem as crazy as before but trust me honey... when I get my hands on them they're gonna see the real reason why I'm number one here.

Sorry if there's any spelling errors and I glad I'm getting good feedback about this story 😄

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