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The rest of the drive home was silent but the tension was driving me crazy.
Is he gonna be mad at me or what?
We got back to his home and while we walked inside he still hadn't looked at me. I hear footsteps and see Alfred rushing over to me pulling me into a hug
"Oh Miss. Wayne I thought I'd never see you again." We pulled away from the embrace and he put his hands on either side of my face and smiled at me as if I were his own daughter. The moment was ruined once Bruce tugged at my arm pulling me towards the bat cave.
"Sorry to ruin the moment Alfred but Isabelle here has some explaining to do with me." Once we were inside the bat cave he told me to sit down on his chair where his giant ass computer screen was. When I sat down I looked up at him and he had his arms crossed giving me a stern face.
"Um are you mad at me and why do we have to explain in here?" Bruce sighed and uncrossed his arms.
"I'm not mad at you it just hurt knowing you didn't want to come and we're talking about it here to make sure we don't have any other ears listening in on us after what had just happened. Now tell me what happened with you and Joker. Be honest too I won't judge you." I sighed and slumped further down the chair deciding how I was going to tell him.
"Well um you see Bruce...things...happen that won't always mean everyone is going to be happy in the end..." Bruce gave me a look that said 'get to the point already'
"Ok ok well nothing bad happened between Joker and me. He told me how he's been waiting for me to arrive ever since he saw me last time I visited and I guess you can say we kinda fell...in love." I gave a little nervous laugh afterwards hoping it would lighten up the mood but I think it made it worse. Bruce buried his face in his hands and just started shaking his head. He paced around for a little then walked towards me.
"You're telling me my little sister fell for a psychotic clown. Isabelle how do you know he even loves you! He could just be playing you like he did with Harley!" I immediately stood up and got in his face.
"I know he loves me because I can see it in his eyes and he has treated me way better than he ever did with Harley and I would know because I met her and we become friends and she even told me what  happened when J first saw me and he also gave me this bracelet." I pulled down my sleeve and showed him the bracelet J has given me.
"Also if he didn't love me he wouldn't have cared if I was kidnapped by penguin. You saw how he held me trying to keep me safe so don't you dare say he doesn't love me back." Bruce looked like he had just been slapped in the face. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"Isabelle I don't want to be the bad guy here but I want to keep you safe. I want you to stop seeing him."
"What? NO I can't just forget about him!"
"I'm not asking you to forget about him but I forbid you to see him again." I felt my eyes water up hearing Bruce say that.
No I can't I j-just can't I love him too much
I didn't have to say anything to Bruce to let him know how I felt I just left and ran to my room tears flowing down my face.

It had been an hour or so since I talked to Bruce and I stopped sobbing but a few tears would slip down at times. I had my face in my pillow when I heard a knock on my door.
"Miss. Wayne its Alfred may I come in?"
"Oh then yes." I sat up in bed and wiped the excess tears off my face and just wrapped the covers around me.
"Oh Miss. Wayne you're a mess now what happened between you and Bruce he hasn't said a word since you came up here."
"Well I told him how joker and I fell in love and now I'm forbidden to see him." Alfred looked shocked when I told him how we fell in love but his face softened and he grabbed my hand.
"Miss. Wayne I've taken care of you ever since you were a little girl and it makes me happy that you fell in love even if he isn't a good person but I know you're a smart girl and if you're happy then I'm fine with it." I look down at his hand still holding mine and I just pulled him in for hug because that's all I needed right now.
"Thanks for understanding Alfred you're the only father figure in my life. I'm glad you approve of my feelings but I don't want Bruce to think of me differently."
"Just leave him alone for the rest of the day and try to sort things out tomorrow. He still can't handle the fact that you're in love with his arch nemesis. Now get some sleep you need it." Alfred kissed the top of my head and left the room. I laid back down on my pillow and closed my eyes and had my thoughts of J drift me to sleep.

I was walking around Joker's hideout trying to find where he was. I looked down on the floor to see a trail of rose petals leading down the hall to his room. I smiled thinking of how cliche it was and followed them. I opened the door to see my lover standing there in his black suit holding a blood red rose. I walked over to him and he met me halfway and placed the flower behind my ear.
"I'm so glad you gave me a chance Isabelle. It's you and me forever and always and I don't care what those fuckers have to say." I smiled at his attempt to be romantic and I leaned in to kiss him when the scene changed and I found myself at Arkham Asylum.
"Hello? Why am i here?" I saw arrows spray painted on the floor and I followed them to a glass window and on the other side was J all bruised up with a bloody nose. I covered my mouth with my hand shocked at his condition. An image of batman formed on the glass
"I told you to stay away from him." He made his way over to J ignoring my pleas telling him to stop. He lifted J up by the collar of his shirt...

I shot up in bed breathing heavily.
It was just a dream Isabelle it's ok J is still alright.
One question went through my mind though.
Would Bruce ever hurt or try to kill J because of me?

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