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J and I were currently parked in an alley just sitting there.
"J why are we here. We need to find him."
"Yes but we also need a plan."

I looked at him in the corner of my eye and gave him a weird look.
"You never Plan anything though. Are you sure you're fine?" J punched the dashboard making me jump then rested his forehead on the steering wheel.
"Damn it Isabelle no I'm not. This is about you and you could die easily since you're with me." I sighed and shifted in my seat so I was facing him.
"J I already signed up for this when I chose to be with you. It was my choice now let's go find him already we're wasting time."

J pulled up to an old apartment building and grabbed my hand.
"Stay close to me got it." I nodded my head and got out of the car following him.
A guy who likes to scare people would choose a creepy abandoned building.
J grabbed my hand and went to the side of the Building where the fire escape was.
"Ok Isabelle he stays on the fifth floor. When we go I want you to just shoot everything in that room ok?" He handed me a gun and raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

We started climbing the fire escape quietly and reached the fifth floor window where we crouched down.
"Imma bust the window and you start shooting ok." He took his gun and used it to shatter the glass and I immediately fired shots into the room making sure I see any movement. I stopped when I noticed nothing was in here and stepped inside.
"Isabelle what are you doing get back here!" I ignored him and I knew I wasn't alone in this room. I sensed someone in the corner near the door and quickly threw a knife in that direction striking something. I heard a growl and I quickly turned on the light and saw I did indeed hit scarecrow in the hand.
"Scarecrow you are terrible at hiding."of
Hearing my words J quickly jumped in and looked at him.
"You bastard you're dying to tonight. No mercy"
Scarecrow then started to laugh hysterically making me grab onto Joker's arm because it was starting to freak me out.
"I'm not the only one who's going to die tonight," scarecrow said.
Taking J and me by surprise, scarecrow lunged at joker and knocked him out.
Oh sweetie you never were that great at combat were you
I pulled scarecrow off him and slammed him into the wall. I shoved him onto the ground and kicked his side. I repeatedly started to hit him taking out all of my anger and stress that he caused. I ended up stopping myself because I wasn't born to kill. Scarecrow wasn't moving so knelt down to put cuffs on him, but just like in horror movies, he sat up quickly stabbed my side. I gasped in pain and the first person I looked at was J who was still out cold. Scarecrow's chuckle was close to my ear and before I blacked out I heard the sadistic haystack say,"sweet dreams my little Isabelle."

Beep. Beep. Beep.
That was all I heard but I couldn't open my eyes or move.
Did I die?
It looked like I was surrounded by nothing but darkness.
Bruce? Damian?
I quickly turned around to see my parents standing there. Tears quickly made their way down my face and I ran and hugged them tightly.
"Mom...dad...this means I'm dead aren't I?" My mother grabbed my face with her hands and said,"no...but you were close. It's a good thing your brother got there in time and took down scarecrow." My dad put his hand on the top of my head like he used to.
"Wake up sweetheart. There's people waiting for you."
They started to fade and I was surrounded by darkness again.
"Do you think she'll wake up any time soon father?"
I tried to move and reply to Damian.
"Look father I think she's waking up." Light slowly made its way to my eyes and I was temporarily blinded. I tried to sit up but hissed in pain and put a hand on my side.
"Whoa belle take it easy."
"Yea. Damian is here as well."
I rubbed my eyes and let them adjust and I saw Bruce and Damian standing there relieved.
"How long was I out?"
"Almost two days but you're safe now. Scarecrow is at Arkham."

"Wow you don't see me here too sweetcheeks."
I looked to my right and J was sitting in the corner with cuffs on his hands and legs.
"Bruce!" J chuckled and waddled his way over to me. I fought back a smile and hugged him when he was In reaching distance.
"Damnit Isabelle sometimes it's hard to believe you are trained to fight because you always get yourself hurt." I glared at him and said," I just woke up and I'm in the hospital. Do you really wanna arge now?"
"Sorry to interrupt you too but after this I'm taking Joker back to Arkham."
I snapped my head towards Bruce.
"Of course you are. You wouldn't miss the chance to."
"It's our job aunt Izzy you can't blame us plus you're batgirl aren't you? Accept it."
Man this kid is cold
"Don't worry about me babe I'll be fine. I'll try not to kill some doctors for you ok?" Bruce grabbed joker and pulled him out, but before the door closed joker winked at me.
I smiled at myself and thought
What am I going to do with him.

You guys probably hate me now I'm sorry!! It's been more than a month right? Also sorry if there's spelling mistakes I'm doing this really late at night rushing it because you guys keep wanting an update. Also if you have any ideas for what should happen in this story comment below!!

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