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We were currently a couple blocks away from Penguin's place hiding in an alley.
"Ok girls here's the plan: Ivy use your plants to take out the cameras outside and distract the guards so Harley and Isabelle can run inside and take out his goons there. I'll sneak inside from the roof and take what's mine then we rush out got it?" We all said yes and went to execute the plan. Selina went up on the roof of buildings and jumped her way over to Penguin's place while Ivy, Harley, and I went across the street hiding behind a bush that Ivy set up. Vines climbed up the building and crushed the cameras. We looked up at Selina who was on the roof and she gave the ok signal and the three of us rushed into the building firing our guns. We took out he armed men and put away our guns for the hand-to-hand combat guys because why not? It's fun to feel bad ass at times. Harley had her bat, ivy had her plants, and I had my boots and training from Bruce. The three of us smiled at each other then we ran towards the men throwing some punches and kicks. One of the men almost punched me but I bent down and kicked him in the throat then quickly got on the ground and swept my leg under another guy making him fall. He pulled out a knife but I was quicker and kicked the it out of his hands and placed my foot on his chest making sure I popped out the blade at the tip of my shoe to scare him.
"It's not fun if you don't play fair" I then punched him in the face knocking him out. Red sirens started going off in the house and we see Selina running our way
We started to run for the door but it slammed shut and we tried to pull it open but it wouldn't budge. An nasaly gross voice I knew all to well spoke up from behind us.
"Hello girls nice of you to join me today." He looked at me and continued "you even brought me a gift. Hello Isabelle nice to meet you I couldn't stop thinking about our last encounter."
"Yea after that encounter Imma rip that pointy ass nose of yours off your face and shove it up your -"
"Okkkk then Isabelle but Penguin you better let us go or the last thing you're gonna see are our faces when we bury your body." Selina said with a hand over my mouth. She gave me a stern look that said 'don't make him want to kill you'.
"Oh cmon girls why are you helping her we're the bad guys and her brother is the batman. Especially you Harley I'm surprised since she's with your 'puddin' now." Harley clenched her jaw and Penguin smirked in triumph knowing he hit a sensitive spot.
"Yea and he's going to spill your guts out if you lay a finger on her and if you do you'll also be dealing with us too."
"Oh Harley how are you guys going to protect her when I have backup. I'm not stupid to let you guys come here if I was by myself." We heard footsteps coming from behind Penguin and out came Mr. Harvey Dent or should I say Two Faced. I couldn't help but gasp because I remember Harvey being Bruce's best friend.
"What the oh my gosh Harvey what happened to you." He smirked at me seeing how I was clueless about what happened to him.
"You're brother was what happened to me. Because of him, half my face burned off and I lost my fiancé. None of this wouldn't have happened if your little boyfriend kept to himself."
"Don't talk about him that way because of him I can see you're true colors now and by the way red and charred isn't a great color on you." He was about to pull out a gun on me but Selina swung her whip at it pulling it out of his reach and ivy having her vines wrap around them and throwing them both across the room. We busted the door open and ran as fast as we could back to the apartment.

"Whoa that was a close one wouldn't you say ladies?" Harley said as we run into the room locking the door behind us.
"Yea it was close when the bird decided to bring Dent!" Ivy snapped. She turned around to look at Selina
"You better have a good explanation on why you went there what was it that you wanted back anyways." Selina sighed and pulled out a ring from her pocket.
"It's a promise ring Bruce gave me. Penguin was planning to use it to lure him out but I couldn't let that happen especially since I now know Dent is in on it."
When did he give her a promise ring?!
"Selina when did my brother give you that?"
"A few months ago why?"
"Wow my own brother doesn't tell me about his life and he gets mad when I don't tell him about mine. Anyways I think I should call J and have him pick me up its not safe for me to walk back home right now." I go to a different room and dialed his number.
"Yes doll?"
"Hey can you come pick me up from Selina's house?"
"Sure but how come you don't want to walk back you usually like to."
"I can't...I'll explain it to you tonight ok."
"Ok see you soon Isabelle."
I walk back into the living room and saw that the girls were watching the news.
It seems like Isabelle Wayne is still surprisingly alive. A source said that she stays with the infamous villains we know so what could this mean? Has the sister of our city's hero gone bad?
"Isabelle this isn't good people are going to want to send you to jail for staying with us." Selina said.
I knew this would happen sooner or later
"Well I guess I gotta be like you guys. Always hide now but it's ok if it means I still get to see J." Harley smiled at me "you guys are perfect for each other don't let anyone ruin that." I smiled back at her and got a text from J saying he was here.
"Looks like my ride is here bye guys."

On the way home I noticed J kept looking at me.
"What is there something on my face?"
"Yes there is actually. Why do you have a bruise."
Shit stupid goons
"Well uh I kinda helped them break into Penguins place and we fought some guys and ran into Two Faced too." I said trying to keep an innocent smile. Thankfully we were already back home because he slammed on the breaks and shouted "YOU WHAT" I nervously laughed "hehe I know you said to not do anything stupid but it was for a good cause."
"I don't care if it was for a good cause! You could've gotten killed Isabelle especially since Harvey hates your brother's guts! Now that he saw you with them he's going to want to target you."  He softened his tone at the end and held my face in his hands.
"I just can't lose you ok if something were to happen to you I think I would become more crazy. It also makes me more worried because of the way the bird looks at you he basically eye raped you and it makes me want to stab his eyes out." I laughed and leaned against his touch.
"Don't worry I managed to knock out some guys today." He smiled at me and kissed me.
"That's my girl." Even though this moment was sweet I couldn't help but think of the glare Harvey had in his eyes.
Boy are me and Bruce really in for it

If this has spelling errors I'm sorry I'm writing this super late at night haha

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