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Once we parked outside of the hideout I jumped out of the car and quickly ran to Harley's room. I hopped in the shower knowing he wouldn't barge in on me naked unless he wanted to die early. This gave me time to get away from him
What is he gonna do to me what if I become another Harley! No offense to her but...I don't wanna change
I got out of the shower and changed into my pajamas. Almost immediately joker comes banging on my door.
I stayed on Harley's bed eyeing the door with my arms crossed being the stubborn girl I am
I heard shuffling behind the door and in a softer tone he said," please open up babe I just wanna know why you did what you did." I decided to open the door to get things over with and let him in. I pointed at the bed telling him to sit down. I moved next to him and crossed my arms and legs.
"Well...you said you wanted to talk so what."
"What you did was stupid people could've recognized you or you could've gotten hurt. The worst part is that you were staying with Harley." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him
"So what if people recognized me if this thing between us is gonna work out of course people have to know I'm with you and two: I didn't get hurt because I had the gun you gave me and three: that was Selina's place and Harley happened to be there and don't talk about her that way since she's my friend now."
"Just out of all people why her." I looked him dead in the eye
"Get out now I don't wanna talk to you at the moment."
"Are you seriously acting like this."
"Yes now get. Out. I was actually thinking about giving you a chance but so far you're ruining it for yourself." I saw a pang of hurt in his eyes but at the moment I didn't really care and just wanted to be alone. After he left the room I just laid there for a couple hours thinking about J. I like him I really do but he hasn't made things great so far if he wants people to think I'm dead I'm not staying locked up here forever. I want to be able to go out too. I decided to look around Harley's room and saw pictures of her and Joker. I admit I did get a bit jealous but it's something I shouldn't worry about. While looking around I stumbled across a phone.
Oh Harley you slick girl no wonder you let me stay here...I freaking love her right now. I took the phone and called her.
"Hello Harley? Hey! It's me Isabelle. Do you think you can bust me out of here tonight?"
"Sure izzy lemme just tell red and kitty here and I'll be on my way just wait for me by the window in my bathroom."
"Ok bye Harls see ya soon"
I hung up a decided to write a note for J
I seriously need to stop with the note writing
Hey J... If you barge in here and read this don't worry I'm just out clearing my head and I'll come back I PROMISE. I admit I do have feelings for you but I just need to think more.
I set the note on the dresser and opened the window in Harley's bathroom. A couple minutes later I see Harley motioning me to jump down. I climb out of the window and grabbed her hand and we ran back to Selina's apartment.

"What Isabelle what are you doing back here!" Selina said.
"I just need advice with...feelings...where's ivy?"
"She's out taking care of her plants and are these feelings for a certain clown?." I looked down embarrassed and nodded my head.
"Ok Harley can you give me and Isabelle some time alone." Harley started to protest but Selina gave her one of her glares that made Harley run out the room.
"So Isabelle tell me...do you love him" I sighed " yes I do I just never realized it until today when I really started thinking about him and how I always go back to him even though I've had a bunch of chances to escape."
"Well Isabelle it's obvious the joker fell in love with you ever since you guys locked eyes with each other even Harley said she felt that there was a spark between the both of you. It was enough to make Harley back off and that means something. I think you guys were made for each other you bring out the good in him." I hugged Selina thanking her we then walked out the room and I ran and tackled Harley giving her a big hug.
"Thanks for understanding about me and J Harls."
"Yea yea izzy now go get em sugar." I ran to the door and before I left I turned around
"By the way Selina...tell Bruce that I'm alive and not to come after me please and if he tries just explain to him this whole thing ok?"
"Yes ok now go you're wasting time" I nodded smiling and ran out into the streets of Gotham going back to that psychotic clown boy I love. I love ya J

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