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I decided to just leave early since I was still processing the new information I had just learned
I'm so fucked what am I gonna do omg what if Bruce finds out then his batman side is gonna come out and what if I die or kidnapped or some shit like that
I ran up to my room to see that my window was fixed.
Huh that guy gets things done fast
I decided to take a hot bath to calm my nerves. While waiting for the tub to fill with water I can't help but let Pamela's words get to me. If she knew about this what other patients could've heard and how has this information not leak out. Shaking my head I stripped down and sat in the tub and stared at the wall ahead of me.
Should I tell Bruce? It would keep me safer but then I wouldn't be able to go out or do anything.
My stubborn side came out and I decided to just keep it to myself. I am an independent woman who knows what she's doing. I get out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me then started blow drying my hair. I walked out of the bathroom to my room and layer out my pajamas and undergarments. Before I let my towel fall I got that strange feeling of being watched again and realized my curtains were opened. I went over and closed them making sure the window was locked first then continued on with my pajamas. I was laying down in bed for an hour until I got the idea of going to the bar.
Hmmm maybe a drink will calm my nerves
I changed out of my pajamas and put on more presentable clothes making sure I had a pocket knife with me. I told Alfred I was going out and started to walk to the bar.

I was halfway to the bar when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me to see no one was there. Even more sketchy. I walked a little faster and I heard the footsteps again. Deciding I wanted to see who this weirdo was I made a sharp turn into a dark alley.
Shit should've chosen a different alley where I can see. Better yet should've brought a flashlight im so smart
"Hey pretty lady watcha hanging here for. That wasn't a smart decision"
Uh oh things just had to get worse
"Piss off weirdo before I show you that it wasn't a smart decision to approach me"
The man shoved me against the wall and lemme tell you girl he did not smell good.
"Listen here girl you and that smart ass mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble one day" I felt one of his hands go up the back of my shirt and that just set me off. I kneed him in the groin then elbowed his throat. He fell to his knees trying to catch his breath so I gave him a good blow to the temple remembering that Bruce told me that would knock out someone. I then heard someone slowly clapping by the entrance of the alley. It was the one and only joker.
Does the world want me to die today. Like I said ape shit if he touches me I have a knife.
"Wow dollface you can really do some damage. You got fire in you. I like that."I crossed my arms and gave him a bitch face
"What do you want from me all you've been doing is stalking me and throwing rocks at my window."
"You see Isabelle I've had my eyes on you for a while. Not only cuz you're the sister of my dear friend batsy but I see potential in you to stand by my side."
What's up with this dude he's weird
" you know what you can piss off clown boy cuz I ain't doing anything with you and you can take back that damn bracelet cuz I'm not gonna be your next Harley ok" that was probably a bad choice of words cuz his eyes darkened and he started to walk towards me. I backed up with each step he took and ended up hitting the wall.
"If you want what's good for you Isabelle then I suggest you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut or else I'll sew it shut you understand me?" Deciding that I wasn't some weak little girl I spat in his face and kneed him in the groin. I took that as my chance to run but he recovered luckily and grabbed me from behind with my arms pinned down my sides.
"Such big words coming from a small girl like I said you got fire that I like" he then gave a dark chuckle. Well this small girl ain't going down without a mother fudging fight. I tilted my head forward then brought it back earning a groan from him which made his grip on me loosen. I grabbed my pocket knife and shoved it in his shoulder which made him howl in pain.
"Oh sweetheart... Your gonna regret that" he then lunged at me and tackled me to the ground where he straddled me and pinned my hands above my head with one of his hands.
"I was going to let you come with me that easy way but I guess you wanted to come the hard way and lemme tell you this now." He leaned his head close to my ear and quietly growled "your in for a sweet surprise later." I felt a blow to my head and fell into complete darkness.

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