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I couldn't sleep because all I saw were Harvey's eyes whenever I blinked. I walked over to J's room and peeked my head inside and saw he was asleep. I tiptoed over to him shaking him lightly
"Pssst J wake up." I then started poking him but he wouldn't wake up so I rose my arm to slap him but I shrieked when he grabbed my hand pulling me under him.
"Shit babe you're lucky I wasn't sleeping with a knife."
"Sorry I couldn't sleep." He rolled off me and we laid side by side on the bed looking at each other.
"Are you thinking about Dent?"
"Yes you should've seen the look in his eyes. It wasn't the sweet Harvey I grew up with...it was just pure evil and I know he has something planned...J are you listening?" J was zoned out while I was explaining to him and he seemed to be having an inner conflict with himself.
"Isabelle...I hate to do this but I think you should go and stay with Bruce for a while." I immediately sat up and looked at him furious.
"No! My brother forbid us to be together and I ran away just to be with you again! I'm not leaving."
"Awww doll you love me so much." I scoffed and went to get off the bed but J wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back.
"Babe I was just joking but hey think about it. If he forbid you from being with me how come he hasn't come and gotten you yet?"
I sat there and thought about it.
I hate it when he's right
"Maybe because he doesn't know where your hideout is."
"Isabelle stop denying it he's your brother. He may have said that because he was angry so he probably didn't mean it."
I laid back down and rested my head against his chest while he wrapped his arms back around me.
"Tell me why you want me to go."
"Don't make it sound like that I'm telling you to because of Dent. With Bruce you'll be safer and you can tell him what happened and while you're with him I'm going to pay him a little visit and find out what's going on."
"Fine when should I leave?"
"In the morning because we can't waste anytime now go to sleep doll you had a long day I'm right here to protect you." He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes drifting into my dreamland

Laughing. Evil laughs....not the joker but someone else tho...anyways... I was strapped to a chair and my vision was blurred making it hard for me to see who was in the room with me. I started choking on some sort of gas and I started seeing a bunch of spiders crawling towards me and a snake wrapping itself around my leg.
"Stop trying to fight the fear dear. Once it gets to you, you'll never be the same." A fucking creepy ass scarecrow stood in front of me and his fingers weren't even fingers...they were flipping needles that can inject me with shit ok and his smile was stitched closed making this nightmare even more worse.
"Say hi to joker for me...."

I screamed and woke up to find it was already morning and J wasn't in bed with me. I went to the kitchen to find him with tears streaming down my face . He looked up at me and saw the tears and grabbed me into a hug.
"Hey hey shhh what happened?" I put my head on his shoulder and said," I saw the scarecrow in my dreams and he injected me with his fear stuff." His grip on me tightened. "Ok you're leaving to see Bruce right now looks like I have more than one person to deal with." I ushered me to get ready and I didn't need to pack anything since I already had stuff at Bruce's place.

J and I were right outside Bruce's and we just sat there in silence.
"I really don't want you to stay here Isabelle.."
"Then let me stay with you." He looked at me and his eyes were actually glossy
Holy shit the one and only joker is teared up because of me
"You can't stay with me it's even more dangerous ok now go."
"Ok but J promise me you won't get yourself killed."
"I won't doll I can't imagine a heaven or hell without you." I was pretty sure I was about to cry until he pulled me into a passionate kiss. We broke apart and rested our foreheads against each other.
"I love you J just promise me you'll come back and get me."
"I love you too angel and I promise." I got out of the car and headed inside. The first person to see me was Alfred of course and he saw that my cheeks were tear stained.
"Oh Miss. Wayne just go to your room and have some time to yourself I'll let Bruce know you're here later since he's out."
"Thanks Alfred," I sniffled. When I got to my room I went to my secret compartment and pulled out a bag of sour patch kids and some chocolates and sat in bed eating them.
Might as well be depressed for a little.
I just sat there eating my candy looking out the window and saw the batman sign light up the sky.
Of course he was going to come home late.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. I was about to pour some until Alfred snuck up behind me and grabbed it.
"Cmon Alfred let me have some."
"No Miss. Wayne I will not allow it. Now you have some explaining to do. Why were you crying?" I rested my elbow on the island with my head in my hand and said," well Joker decided it was best for me to stay here since Penguin, Harvey, and scarecrow have targets on my back."  Alfred nodded in understanding the situation.
"I see. Well he must really care for you if he decided this."
"Yea we love each other a lot but I still know Bruce wouldn't allow it."
"Miss. Wayne do whatever makes you happy and instead of trying to get drunk why don't you just go to sleep and talk to Bruce about it in the morning." I nodded my head and hugged him making my way to my room and brushed my teeth. I jumped into bed and fell asleep
Please be safe J

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