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Isabelle's room^

Bruce decided to give me a tour of his giant house... Dear lord I know I'm going to get lost. He shows me my room and I think I'm going to faint it was so beautiful. It looks so cozy and of course the first thing I did was jump onto the bed.
"Wow Bruce you know my style so well I'm impressed."
I look around the room some more to see that Bruce was still looking at me from the doorway. I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me to sit down which he gladly did.
"So Bruce, Alfred mentioned this joker guy what's up with him."
" Belle you don't need to worry about him that clown is locked up in arkham as we speak."
I'm about to ask a really dumb question right now
"Umm Bruce?"
He raised his eyebrows signaling for me to continue.
"Can I work at the asylum pleeaaassseee"
"Well um why do you want to work there after what I just told you"
"Because I need a job and I feel like I can connect with the patients better than the doctors since they don't like them. Plus I'm friends with Selina and Pamela they'll warm up to me easier."
I can see Bruce having an inner battle with himself. Crossing my fingers I just stare at him intently
"Sooo? Yes or no"
"I guess I trust you can take care of yourself "
I then kick him out of them room to take a shower. After I was done with that I decided to go downstairs to watch the news to see what's going on in this crazy city.
"Attention people of Gotham. The joker has escaped from arkham asylum. I advise everyone to stay indoors and lock every entrance and way to get in your house"
Srsly the day I get here something goes bad
I turn off tv and go to the kitchen for a late night snack. I decided to look through the newspapers Alfred picked up earlier only to see me on the cover.
Isabelle Wayne arrives only to threaten a paparazzi's life to stick up for villains
Huh. Why do they gotta exaggerate everything it's not like I straight up said I was gonna kill him.
Shaking off my thoughts about the stupid newspaper I go over to close the curtains in the house only to see a shiny purple car parked across the street. I couldn't tell if the driver was looking at me or not but I just shrugged it off because people are weird. Plus who would be dumb enough to drive such an expensive looking car in this city

If only I knew who was in that car.

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