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Isabelle's p.o.v
I woke up with a searing headache and slowly opened my eyes and saw everything was upside down. I looked back and forth trying to wiggle my way out of the ropes but ended up looking like a ridiculous gummy worm.
"YO SCARECROW GET YOUR STALKER ASS OVER HERE." I heard deep chuckling and I instantly regretted saying that.
Good job Isabelle that's how people die in scary movies!

Scarecrow came creeping out of the shadows and circled me making me uncomfortable.
"You know hay stack it's not right to leave a lady hanging." He cut the ropes which made me fall on the ground and I hit my head pretty hard. I groaned in pain praying I didn't have a concussion.
"Now now crane that's not how you treat a guess." I could recognize that voice anywhere.
"HARVEY I WILL DEMOLISH YOU ONE DAY." Footsteps approached me and Harvey flipped me over on to my back and bent down over my face looking at me.
"You still amuse me Isabelle but I'm going to finish you before you can get to me." I spat in his face and smirked when he stood back up wiping his face.
"You little bitch," he growled and smacked me across the face. I spat out some blood and started laughing.
"You're not going to get away with this Harv." He pulled me up by my collar getting in my face and growled," don't ever call me that again. The name is two face now. Got it." I spat in his face again since my arms and legs were tied up and before he could beat the shit out of me a gun shot rang out and I was dropped onto the floor. I looked up at Dent and saw him clutching his arm and I saw blood seeping through his white tux.
"FIGURE OUT WHO DID THAT NOW. I have my money bet on batman." The building echoed with an all too familiar laugh and I smiled knowing he was going to get me out of here.

Joker's p.o.v
I ended up getting to Isabelle before batsy because I may or may not have ran into him on the road and flipped his car over. I was hiding behind a corner watching everything they were doing to my love. I was already pissed he slapped her but I couldn't just jump out yet. I smiled to myself when Isabelle spat in his face a second time.

Ah that's my girl.

But I decided to shoot him in the arm before he could hit her again because I grew impatient.
"FIGURE OUT WHO DID THAT NOW. I have my money bet on batman." I rolled my eyes at what he said and started laughing out loud. Well he's going to be in for surprise when he sees its me. I saw scarecrow looking around for me so I decided to have a little fun. I took one of my 'gifts' and threw it his way. He looked at it and the box exploded into a gas knocking him out.
He's good at scaring people but he sucks at protecting himself.
I jumped down in front of Isabelle and cut her from the ropes.
"Oh babygirl you're okay," I said while helping her up.
"Well I'm not surprised it's you Joker."
"Dent...I'm gonna kill ya." Dent and I pointed out guns at each other and Isabelle stood behind me. We heard another gun click and it was two face's goon holding a gun to Isabelle's head.
"You better watch it joker or the lady gets a bullet through her head."

Shit I'm in a tight situation.

"Dent I'm warning you now. You're gonna regret treating her like this." Then just like I planned a whip wrapped around Dent's gun disarming him and a batarang knocked the gun out of the hand that was pointed at Isabelle. Isabelle punched the guy really hard knocking him to the ground and grabbed his arm twisting it. She ended up breaking his arm and I just stood there in awe since it was super hot. Catwoman jumped down next to me and closed my mouth.
"You better keep that mouth of yours closed clown we still have business to attend," Catwoman said. The three of us looked at Dent and saw him being held up by batman.
"How dare you take my sister Dent. If I didn't swear to not kill, you would've been dead right now." I skipped over to them and put my knife up to Dent's face.
"You may not kill bats but I do." I was about to slash his face but Isabelle shouted no and grabbed my hand.
"Isabelle he tried to kill you. I said he was going to regret this so I'm making sure he does." Isabelle just pushed me to the side and grabbed a stun gun from batman's side and shot it at Dent's neck making him knock out on the ground and wriggling around from the electricity. She then kicked him in the face and turned to Bruce.
"Thanks for coming Bruce and you too Selina."
"You're forgetting about me doll." She winked at me and said," oh I already knew you were coming." Selina went over to Isabelle and wrapped an arm around her.
"Well kitten I think I should take you back and see red and Harley they were worried about you."

Isabelle's p.o.v
"How did they know about what happened?"
"I contacted them on my way here after your brother left me when I told him." I looked at Bruce and he turned his head.
"You left your girlfriend at home after she told you what happened to me! Really Bruce you're stupid with girls." Selina walked over to Bruce and put his hand on his arm.
"Cmon handsome lets go. These two need some time together." They left on the rooftops taking Dent and scarecrow with them leaving me and Joker alone. I ran and hugged J kissing him just like in the notebook because why not it would be fun.
"Darling are you copying the notebook?"
"Why yes plus I missed you so of course I'm doing this." And set me down and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It was pretty sexy when you broke that guy's arm tho." I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him back.
"Whatever let's just go home." We walked out the place hand in hand and made our way home back in each other's arms.

Don't worry guys this isn't the end! I still have some ideas to keep this story going!

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