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I woke up to an aching pain in my neck
Wtf just happened?...oh wait my brother's arch nemesis just took me greaaaattt
I moved my arms to rub my neck only to feel them being restrained back against the bed pole
This better not be some kinky shit...
I remember Bruce saying something about staying calm when trying to break out of something. Might as well give it a try. Somehow a miracle happened and I was able to get my hands free because they used ropes instead of chains. Joker needs to get some smarter henchman. I rub my wrists since they were sore only to find that the bracelet was on my wrist....that clown broke into my room! Oh when I see him I swear...
I looked around for a way to escape and saw that there was a bathroom connected to my room. I quickly make my way there and see that there is a window big enough for me to fit through. Bingo. I stand on the toilet and pushed the window open to see that I was a few stories high. Shit ok new plan....find a ledge to climb on. I stick half my body out the window and looked down and saw a ledge big enough for me to stand on and made my way down. I was about to climb out the window when I felt two hands grip my waist rather harshly and pull me out the window onto the floor. Looking up I see a very pissed looking joker standing in front of me.
"Uhhh hahah um hey joker or mistah j however you liked to be called I was enjoying the view" he crouched down to my level and gripped my hair and pulled me forward our noses almost touching
"Did you think it was that easy to escape from me huh. Think again doll you're in my world and nobody leaves unless I say they can."
"First of all don't call me doll cuz I am no object to you I am a woman who can probably kick your ass if you piss me off."
"Hmm I think you need a visit to a very special room I have. I'm warning you now sweetheart after what's about to happen you're gonna think twice about giving me your little attitude ok" he pulls me up to my feet drags me out of the room and take some through a rather long hallway. I stumbled over my feet a couple times because this man walks fast and someone 5'3 like me can't walk as fast. He pushed me through a door and locks it behind him. I look around to see a metal table with some surgeon tools and sharp objects.
Oh my goodness this is a torture room I'm gonna die
He circles me looking like a predator watching his prey and it looks like he's trying to decide what to do with me. Not wanting to show I am weak, I stand up straight and gave the best bitch I dare you look to him. He grabs me and slams me on the metal table quickly strapping my arms so I can't fight back then does my legs.
"Now dear what shall I do with you. I didn't want to do anything to you but you gave me no choice"
" look baby I care about you I really do but you've been a pain in the ass and its your fault for not cooperating and look your still wearing the bracelet so you must feel some type of feeling towards me"
"Boy you are a psychotic clown who has been stalking me and all I know is that I want you to LET ME GO AND FUCK OFF" growling he shoves a leather piece in my mouth and gets in my face.
"Now let me show you some of my toys babe" he pulls out a knife and these handle things that look like they can probably do some damage.
"Now Imma give you a choice you want the knife or do you wanna get shocked"
I didn't realize that tears were streaming down my face and that I was now trying desperately the get out banging my hands against the table. The bracelet was making a clanking sound against the metal and the joker's eyes seem to soften a bit when he saw it.
"Please don't kill me" but it came out muffled due to the leather in my mouth. He looks at me again for a few seconds and grabbed those two bars.
"Oh I'm not gonna kill ya I'm just gonna hurt ya really really bad"
More tears streaming down my face knowing that I'm gonna go through hell for who knows how long.
"Oh dollface stop crying I'll make this quick since you are special to me."
Special my ass if you doing this
He turns on his 'toys' and the room fills with buzzing from the electricity he slowly pulls up my shirt to show my bare stomach and waist and runs his fingers along my skin creating goosebumps. He grabs the metal bars and I feel agonizing pain on my sides for a few seconds then it stops. He puts it down on my skin again for a little longer then lifts it off. All you could hear through the room were my muffled screams and curses and I had a river of tears falling down my face. I probably looked like a hot mess now. Everything was too much to handle so I just drifted off into complete darkness once again and the last thing I saw was joker looking down at me and the one thing I saw in his eyes was regret.

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