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I was running as fast I can and my legs were starting to burn. I didn't know why I was running all I know was that I was being chased by something and I didn't wanna die. Somehow the scene changed and I was in a room with mirrors everywhere. I slowly walked up to one of the mirrors and my reflection slowly turned into a man with really pale skin with tattoos all over him, green hair, and a long purple jacket. The thing that caught my eye was the damaged tattoo he had on his forehead. That must've hurt like a bitxh to get. For some odd reason I decided to lift my hand up to the mirror only to jump in surprise when he let out a loud insane laugh. I then saw his silver teeth and how wide his red smile stretched. Damn what happened to him...I got scared and punched the mirror and turned around to face another mirror but instead of seeing him with a psychotic look in his eye, his facial expression looked more soft and he had this emotion in his eye I couldn't quite figure out. Then all of a sudden there was a loud crash.
I jolted and sat upright in bed panting.
Was that the freaking joker in my dream?! I'm losing it or am I just being paranoid.
I felt a breeze and looked towards my window to see that my window was broken and that there was a rock on the floor with something tied to it. I walk around the broken glass and picked up the rock to see that there was a bracelet attached with the note. The bracelet was silver and had a poker card charm on it
I can't wait to finally meet you face to face now that you're in town
I dropped the note and threw the bracelet on the ground. Why the hell did he give me that and why does he want to meet me. Wait I'm batman's sister that's why. Great I'm gonna die early. I decided to hide the note and bracelet so Bruce wouldn't see and freak out. With the window I can just say that there were stupid kids messing around. Trying to forget what just happened I went back to sleep so I would have energy to go to the asylum tomorrow.

I wake up and walk to the bathroom and felt a sharp pain in my foot. I cursed at the stupid glass in my foot and remembered what happened in the middle of the night. I guess it wasn't a dream...I clean my foot up and do my daily routine and put on my outfit. It may not be professional but hey I wanna look more relaxed and chill when meeting some of those patients.
I run downstairs and quickly make some breakfast and head out the door and saw that Bruce was already in the car. I get in and we quickly drive away

We get to the asylum and man... No wonder patients hate it here it's creepy af. Walking through the doors was like walking into another world. All I saw were white coats and rusty looking cells. This place looks srsly haunted.
"Ah Bruce this must be your sister Miss. Isabelle Wayne" I looked up to see a man with the name tag that said Dr.Arkham.
Damn Bruce really does have connections
I was taken away from my thoughts when I heard Bruce saying how I would like to work here and talk with the patients.
"I see now why would you want to work here Miss. Wayne" I gave him a sly smile and said," well why not I can probably get more comfortable with them than you can."
"Very well then come with me" I saw goodbye to Bruce and follow Dr. Arkham.
"Miss. Wayne this shall be your new office. I'll have someone to come bring you files of who you'll be talking to. I also understand that your are friends with Catwoman and poison Ivy am I correct?"
" um yes they're my close friends why?"
"You'll probably be more likely to have a session with them and remember we have cameras so don't try anything funny"
He closes the door and I sit at my desk. Wow I feel like I'm in some type of show with all this stuff happening. My mind drifts off to the note and the bracelet and I can't help but wonder when he's gonna strike. I get a feeling that someone is watching me but I brush it off when a lady knocks on my door and comes in with two files in her hand.
"Miss. Wayne I have Selina and Pamela's files for you I'll escort you to them right now who would you like to see first?"
"Hmmmm I'll see Pamela first"
Maybe I can get some answers from her

"This is your stop I'll leave you right to it"
I nodded and looked in front of me to see a giant glass window with my dear friend behind it. The guards let me in and Pamela looks up in shock.
"Hey ivy I missed you so much" we ran up and hugged each other tight. She didn't have a straight jacket on since the doctors thought she wasn't a threat to me.
"Isabelle what are you doing here do you work here now?!"
"Uhhh about that yes I do"
" you're crazy you know that"
" I know but hey let's keep our voices low so they won't here I have something really serious to talk to you about and maybe you can try to tell Selina about it too"
" yea what happened"
" well the other night I saw a purple car in front of Bruce's house and last night a rock broke through my window and it said ' I can't wait to meet you face to face since you're here now' or something like that but the thing is it said it was from J and there's only one J I can think of and it came with a bracelet."
Pamela's face paled and she truly looked terrified for me
"What ivy spit it out you're scaring me"
"Isabelle...you need to leave. I didn't think this was true but now that I know it is you gotta go."
"Wait what do you mean now that you know it's true. Ivy...what do you know."
"Ok...when the joker was here news broke out that you arrived and how you threatened that one guy. I guess that caught the attention of the joker especially since your batman's sister which makes it worse. He said something about you finally being his or that nows his chance but I'm warning you now you gotta go." I sat there in shock
Me finally becoming his?! I mean after that one dream why does this gotta happen...like I said I will go ape shit if he touches me.
" I'm not leaving Gotham I can take care of myself and there's no way he's getting me especially if I have Bruce. Plus he'll probably get tired of my attitude and let me go."
If he doesn't kill me first though
Pamela just shakes her head
"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you."

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