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I woke up with an arm draped over my stomach and I smiled to myself remembering what happened last night. I turned over to face the clown prince and just stared at him. His red lips were smeared and his hair was a mess, but he still manages to look good. I slipped out of his arm and grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I looked at myself and the mirror and damn I was a hot mess but in a good way. My hair still looked tamed but I had red lipstick all over my neck and face and I couldn't help but giggle at the lipstick all over my lips.

I stood in the shower thinking to myself.
Should I really be batgirl? I mean if I do it'll cause problems and if I don't it would still cause problems. I don't see why not though cause Bruce and Selina flirt around so why can't I be the same with J?
I shook my head getting rid of these thoughts and got out of the shower putting on my clothes. I put on a dusty rose sweater and black leggings then went downstairs to make some breakfast.

In the middle of cooking I heard footsteps coming and there was the clown prince himself in a robe still waking himself up. I giggled and turned off the stove.
"Well aren't you out of it today."
He gave a sideways glanced at me and smirked.
"Well last night took up a lot of energy." I bit my lip thinking about being batgirl again. J noticed my thinking face and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him.
"What's on your mind doll? You don't regret it do you?"
"No no that's not it...it's just...what would happen if I did become the new batgirl." J dropped his hands from my sides.
"Well it's obviously going to cause problems with us. Damn it I hate how batman always tries to pull you back in away from me!" I set both my hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down.
"It's okay I'll work something out trust me. I just need to talk to him." J sighed and punched the wall making me jump.
"Fine. Just tell me how it went."

~at bat cave~
"What do you mean no?!"
"Belle you know you can't turn your back on us to stay with him."
I glared at Bruce knowing he's hurt but this is my life. I decided to turn down his offer and stay with J and of course he wasn't happy with that.
"Bruce you wanted me to be happy and this is what I want." Bruce looked me in the eye to see if I was hesitant about my decision.
"He's dangerous." I rolled my eyes after being told this a bunch of times.
"I can keep him in check if I'm there. That means less things for you to worry about. Trust me." I have him big Bambi eyes I know he goes soft for.
"Just let her go father. It's obvious she doesn't want it." I put my face in my hands and mumbled," Damian you know I still love you right." He just huffed and turned his back towards me with his arms crossed.
"Yea yea I know." I walked up to the boy and put my arms around his shoulders hugging him.
"You know this is beneficial for the both of us right? I get to be happy and you get to worry less about bad guys." I felt him loosen up under my grip and he knew I was right. I turned to look at Bruce with my eyebrow arched.
"....fine. Just visit when you can." I smiled and ran towards him giving him a tight hug.
"Thank you for understanding."

~joker's place~
"Knock knock."
J looked up from his desk with a serious face. We stood there staring at each other and I started to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.
"So...I talked to Bruce."
J placed his hands under his chin leaning forward on his desk motioning me to continue.
"And...he said I can stay with you." J smirked at me and got up scooping me in his arms while cackling like someone walked into a door.
"This is great babe. Just you and me with no worries." I giggled and crossed my arms.
"I'm still keeping you in check though."
"Whatever floats your boat darling."

Well that's the end guys and I'm a terrible author for doing this after a long break again 🤦‍♂️ but I didn't have any other ideas since the plot was already over so I hope you guys loved this story.

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