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*later on during the night*

Isabelle's p.o.v
I was sleeping peacefully in bed until I had the strange urge to wake up sensing something was wrong especially since J wasn't next to me. I got out of bed and went to put on a pair of slippers but I felt something wet under my foot.
What the hell?

I reached over and turned on the lamp and saw drops of blood on the floor. Panicking I pulled on a pair of slippers and grabbed my gun and went out into the hallway. It was dark so I could barely see and I ended up stepping on something squishy so I looked down and saw it was a body. I gave a small shriek and fell on the ground and my hand landed in some more blood. I cringed at the feeling and looked closer at the body seeing it was one of Joker's goons. The weird part was he had no wound so the blood couldn't be from him. I heard Joker's maniac laugh but it sounded demonic and unreal. I looked forward at the end of the hallway and saw him there with blood splattered on him and he had a gash on his arm.
Maybe that was his blood on the floor.

I immediately knew there was something wrong with him when I saw a fucking cleaver in his hand and his laughs got deeper. He started to walk towards me and I got up from the floor and ran back into the room quickly locking it and pushing the dresser to barricade it. I opened the window and was about to jump down when I heard him banging on the door.
"Isabelle~ come open the door before I break it and kill you~"

Without second thought I jumped down and ran as fast as I could to Wayne manor. I don't care how long it would take to get there I need Bruce's help.

I barged through the manor doors and I was gasping for air. Alfred and Bruce came running to see what happened and saw my hunched over on the ground gasping for air. They came to help me up and saw the blood on my hand.
"Not...my blood...joker...gone crazy," I wheezed out. Bruce was coaching me on breathing and I finally got my breathing back to a steady rhythm. Alfred got me a glass of water which I quickly chugged down.
"Belle what happened with joker? Why is his blood on you."
"Well I woke up and saw blood on the floor and I went out and saw a dead body and I fell from shock and my hand landed in a puddle of blood and I looked at the end of the hallway to see Joker standing there with this crazed look in his eye holding a freaking cleaver." At this point my eyes were tearing up because I know that wasn't the joker I loved and that something happened to him that night.
"Isabelle come with me I need to take a sample of the blood on your hand to see if I can find anything." Bruce wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me into the batcave where he scrapped some of the blood off and started experimenting with it. Alfred came up behind my and put a hand on my back leading me out of the batcave and into the bathroom.
"Miss. Wayne I think you should freshen up and go back to bed." I nodded and got some extra clothes I still had here and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I was pale and my cheeks were still red from running and my hair was a tangled mess. I still had some blood on my hand and foot and tears started falling down my face knowing it was J's. I jumped in the shower and vigorously rubbed myself trying to make sure I was clean of blood.

I was laying in bed trying to get the memory out of my head but it was too frightening. I felt like I was in a freaking horror movie and that something was going to sneak up to me and kill me in my sleep.
"I'm just exaggerating this place has more security than the White House," I told myself. I opened one of my drawers and took a sleeping pill and swallowed it with a bottle of water I kept next to my bed. I stayed in bed for another half hour when the pills finally started to kick in.

I woke up feeling so much better and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I still had thoughts about last night but I'm more relaxed knowing I was safe here. My heart clenched thinking about how he was going to hurt me.
Alfred set down a plate with my favorite breakfast sandwich on it and a cup of coffee.
"Here Miss. Wayne. I gave you a shot of espresso since you need it." I smiled softly at him and muttered a thank you. I remembered that I still had to see Bruce so I quickly ate my food and turned around to see a boy who oddly looked like Bruce.
"Oh uh hello who are you?"
"Damian. Bruce's son you must be my aunt." I got a good look at the boy and saw how he did have Bruce's features. I held onto the counter to make sure I didn't faint from shock.
"Um how old are you Damian?"
What the...Bruce has a thirteen year old son and I'm just now knowing!
"Don't be mad at him Aunt Isabelle he didn't know about me until a few months ago." My eyebrow twitched since this was kept from me.
"Who's your mother Damian?"
"Talia al Ghul."
Ok I'm definitely gonna freak now.

Hell yea I brought batman's son in here

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