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"Um...is Selina here?"
Talk about awkward omg...hope she doesn't try to kill me
"Yea she's here...and don't worry I know what you're thinking I'm not gonna hurt ya girlie." Harley lead me to the living room where Selina was playing with her cat Isis. Selina looked up and saw it was me and gave me a big hug.
"Isabelle oh my goodness how are you did you get hurt?"
"I'm fine nothing has really happened"I was leaving out details since Harley was here and was praying that Selina did the same thing. Harley looked at the both of us.
"You two are friends? Oh...well since you're Selina's friend I guess we'll be friends too. Don't even bother trying to leave stuff out I know you're with my puddin or well ex puddin now..."
"Oh um...you're not mad or...jealous?"
"I should be but I'm not. I was the one who left him anyways darling I had my reasons. Plus the main reason is that I was there when he saw first saw you so I already know how he feels."
"Well..if it makes you feel any better he still has your room"
"You can keep the room I'm not going back. It's too painful to see."
Harley then jumped on me and gave me a hug giving me a squeeze.
"We're all gonna be best friends including ivy!" Selina came and pulled Harley off me.
"Ok ok Harls let the girl breath I'll go make you some coffee Isabelle."
We all sat at the coffee table and it was silent for a few minutes but it was a comfortable silence. The silence was broken when Harley spoke up
"So izzy tell me what has mistah j done to you."that caught the attention of Selina
"Yea what has he done to you kitten has he hurt you in anyway. Because if he has I'm getting my whip on him." I decided to tell them about the torture room and how he shocked my sides. Harley set down her cup and looked me dead in the eye.
"Oh honey that's nothing compared to what he has done to me. You're lucky he hasn't pushed you into chemicals that change you...he cares about you more than you think." We then hear a click of the window opening and saw Pamela climb in with her vines.
"Hey girls missed me" the three of us ran to her and tackled her in a hug.
"I couldn't help but listen to your story about you and joker. Anything else between you guys?" I gulped and looked at Harley
"Honey it's ok if you tell me I don't mind you're my new friend now."
"Well we're kinda together but i don't know we've kissed and he's giving me time to decide but i don't know what to do about Bruce." Pamela sighed then put her hands on my shoulders
"Isabelle I'm sure Bruce wouldn't mind if he saw the effect you have on joker and he's your brother he should trust your decision." Harley nodded in agreement giving me a wink. Selina had a daydream look in her eye
"Well yea plus Isabelle remember about that thing your brother and I have? I'm sure I can calm him down and explain so don't worry you have us." We all got in a group hug and I couldn't help but think
How did I become blessed with such good friends?

This was more of a filler since I wanted to show you guys how Isabelle created a bond with Harley because I didn't want them to have a hate relationship since I personally love Harley too and I didn't want to make her a bitch.

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