The Man In The Suit (Chapter 2)

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You awoke to your alarm, swiftly slamming your fist down on the snooze button. Just another average day, you thought. You swung your feet over the side of the bed, rubbing your eyes to wake your self up a bit. You contemplated getting in the shower, but then thought to yourself who do I even have to impress. So you wiped that thought away, and found some suitable clothes for work. Again realising that you had nobody to impress, you chucked on a black and white striped hoodie and some simple jeans. Not a bad look. 

You made your way to the bathroom to take care of business, and put your hair in a simple messy bun. Messy being the operative word. After one or two more attempts, you gave up, realising you were never gonna get it perfect, so you made your way to the kitchen. Toast was the simplest thing to make, and as you opened your cupboard, your realised it was pretty much the only thing you could make. You made the wise decision to go shopping for food later. 

You ate your toast and realised that today you might actually be early for work. Like a whole hour early! You looked at the time. It was 5:00 in the morning!!! You blinked a few times to ensure you weren't hallucinating. The clock still read 5:00. You grunted and fell back onto the lounge. Mental note: by a better alarm clock you thought to yourself. Sleep eluded you. There was no way of going back to your dreams. You made the quick decision that getting to work early should make up for the amount of times you were late. 

Your sigh turned into a yawn, and you made somewhat of an effort to get off the lounge. You grabbed your handbag and keys and headed out the door, regretting the choice already. You sighed again and headed down the staircase. You were never fond of elevators. The thought of getting stuck in one gave you chills. Your thought process came to an immediate stop as you stepped outside. It was so peaceful at this time in the morning. The sun was just rising and the slight wind was just right. Maybe getting up early wasn't too bad. 

You still had half an hour before anyone would be at the bookstore, so you contemplated walking or driving. You hand't been on a decent walk since last Saturday when your friends left the bar with their new toys. You shoved your keys back into your handbag and made your way to work via the footpath. The walk was at your own comfortable pace, which seemed to be pretty fast for everyone else. Throughout high school, when you walked anywhere, your friends would have trouble keeping up. It mostly amused you but they seemed to be rather annoyed with it.

A smile appeared abruptly as you thought about high school. You were so successful in high school. A fair amount of A's and B's and nothing less. Your friends were all great and normal. You  weren't popular so you could do your own thing without someone a footstep behind you every minute. It was great. But then you thought of how it all changed. Of life now. 

After a couple of minutes, you arrived at the library. It was so quiet. And peaceful. You had never seen it like this.  But to be fair you were never out at this time so that was probably a good explanation for it. Becky, the girl who worked the shift with you, was all alone in the store. She seemed happy and content though. She was sitting at the front desk re-reading Harry Potter again when you walked through the doors. You personally didn't understand everyone's fascination of the books, but of course, everyone was entitled to their own opinions. 

"Hello Becky," you said with a genuine smile on your face. Becky looked up from her book, slightly startled. 

"Oh, hello (y/n). What are you doing here so early?" she said with a slight confusion in her tone. Which is quiet understandable, you have never been this early to anything. 

"I know it's crazy aye? Yeah see, my alarm clock decided to wake me up an hour early. Believe me, I wouldn't be here otherwise," you stopped, realising the look on her face meaning she was clearly offended. You forgot that sometimes people actually like this stuff. "Sorry Becky," you whispered, walking away to do your thing.  

You grabbed the trolley with a pile of books on it. Books that needed stacking. You sighed slightly, remembering it was a library and got to work. Looking down at the books, you realised this whole pile was on supernatural stuff. Demons, ghosts, vampires, ghouls and so on. Just about every myth and legend there was. You began pushing the trolley over to the section they belonged, which happened to be on the secluded part of the library nobody else was ever at. At least it gave you the opportunity to be alone. But as you arrived, you found you were indeed not alone. 

Sitting in one of the red velvety chairs was an older man. He had lovely chocolate brown eyes, and a bit more than just a stubble. He was dressed in a well tailored black suit with matching shoes. You knew he was an older man but damn, he knew how to dress. He suddenly looked up a you and you darted your attention back to stacking books. You could feel your cheeks tinging red, along with his stare that fell on you.  It was tempting to say something as you would to any other customer, but he seemed somewhat nice so you let it pass. 

"Hello love," he said in an accent that you couldn't detect. Scottish, maybe British. Okay so maybe you did fail one class but anyway. Either way it was a wonderful accent. 

"Hello," you simply replied. Nothing too harsh or nothing to stupid, you were doing good. 

"Want a hand. I'd be happy to help. Besides I had just finished my book," he offered. He was awfully nice, you didn't want to look needy but you weren't sure. 

"Oh, no it's quite alright I assure you. It is my job after all unfortunately," you said, thinking the last bit in your head. 

"Was that an unfortunately I heard, love? Here, I'll give you a hand," he offered yet again. You simply nodded your headed and let him help. He stood up and walked over to you, book in hand. 

The silence remained as you began putting books back in their right spots. He seemed to know their exact location, so good on him, he made your job a whole lot easier. He seemed nice enough. Genuine, kind, caring, helpful, good looking and...hey wait. You didn't actually say unfortunately a minute ago. 

"I'm sorry to ask, but am I wrong  in saying that I didn't even say 'unfortunately' but then you replied with 'was that an unfortunately I heard, love'. W-what. H-h-how?!" you shouted in a whispered tone. You knew nobody else was in the library yet but it was still just general thing you did once you worked in a library for a while. 

"Do you want the truth or the lie?" he asked politely. 

"Truth?" you said unsure.

"Well, love, the name's Crowley," he said as you shook his hand, "King of Hell to be specific. See that's why I can read your mind. I know that your name is (y/n). I can do plenty more but  I understand that you are more than likely freaked out at the moment. Now I know you wouldn't believe me..." but you quickly interrupted. 

"I believe you," you said calmly. 

And with that, you could see him slightly confused and contemplating the idea. You had always believed in these things. So why not believe his story. You scanned his face and he understood that you really believed him. 

He placed the last book on the shelf and turned to you. "Well then, with that I bid you adieu, love," he said smiling and walking away. "Goodbye," you replied under your breath. You knew he could still hear. You suddenly frowned as he walked out the door of the library. You hurried over to Becky. 

"Becky, is that man here at this time every morning," you said, trying to sound uninterested. 

"Yeah, since last week really. Why do you ask?" she replied. 

"No reason," was the only reply she got.

You headed back over to the library trolleys and started your way to the isles that the books belonged in. You soon realised, that your broken alarm clock was one of the best things that has happened to you all year. 


First chapter is a little bit shorter than others. It was only 1500 words. Most are roughly 2000-3000 words starting at later chapters. Hope you enjoyed. Happy Reading :) xx

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