Just Who You Were Looking For (Chapter 23)

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"It's a well thought out plan, I'll give you that," Isaac said admiringly. "But I have a few concerns."

You weren't surprised that your plan would have a few faults, after all, you didn't take a lot of time to plan it. You were pleased that Isaac was the demon involved in this scenario, he was the only one who didn't fear you and he would give you constructive criticism without worrying about you incinerating him.

"And where do these faults lay, Isaac?" you asked, rhetorical almost. You knew exactly what was wrong with the plan, but there was no alternative.

"Winchesters, your highness. We all know how troublesome they can be, they are impossible to work with, and considering the last time you saw them they actually did something without anything in return, it'll be a little different this time. Sound about right?" he said with sass. He was right, you knew too well that they wouldn't do it for free this time.

You knew very well how difficult the Winchester's could be, but you had no other choice. When it came to problems like this, everything had to be correct, the plan had to be flawless or else something terrible would happen and it would likely involve (Y/N). You sighed.

"Well, what do you suggest Isaac?" you asked, tired.

"That's another issue. I see no other way around it. I mean, the only other option is to send one of the other demons to retrieve the body and all, but as you are aware, they are busy planning the wedding. Which, I shall mention, is close to finished," he replied proudly.

You considered it for a second, seeking other options, deciding whether or not other tasks were any less important and maybe one of those demons could be borrowed. It didn't seem like that would happen though, all their tasks were far too important in the long run. It wasn't that (Y/N)'s happiness wasn't important, in fact that's extremely important, but this particular issue was uncalled for and dealing with it in a way that worked for everyone seemed to prove impossible.

"The wedding, there is no chance of that being finished early and to my standards?"

"No, at this rate it'll be completely set up and organised an hour before it all happens, that's without causalities."

"Right well, Winchester's it is....." you sighed, this was not what you planned today to be like.

Isaac understood that now was the time to leave, he nodded and left the room. You didn't even flinch, he was one of your closest and most trusted demons, so leaving without a formal goodbye wasn't something you cared about too much.

You sighed realising what this meant. Another trip to the Winchester's, oh boy would this be a fun one, considering last time you saw them, the tension between Dean and Cas was impeccable. Hilarious to watch of course, but it wasn't time for their foolishness. You needed to have a serious conversation.

Crowley👿: Moose, we need to talk. It's urgent.

Knowing they were likely busy hunting; getting attacked by a nest of vampires, hunting wendiego, or investigating a strange death, you decided it was best to text them and not show up randomly. It wasn't long before he replied.

Sam: Teleport your ass up here then. We're at the bunker.

Crowley👿: See you soon Samantha ;)

A smirk appeared across your face. It was always fun messing around with the Winchesters. You stretched, prepared yourself for whatever you were about to walk into, and clicked your fingers, teleporting.

When you arrived, you were surprised to find the place oddly quiet. You stood behind the large table in the middle of the entrance hall. There was nothing, not even a peep. It was either a practical joke or they had been kidnapped by someone supernatural being. Either way, you were bored of waiting.

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