Crowley's Explanation (Chapter 11)

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He said it. He actually said it. The three words you didn't think you'd ever hear from the King of Hell. Demons didn't ave feelings did they. It couldn't be possible, it was Crowley. He wasn't truly capable of love. How were you even supposed to respond to him saying that. Saying it back to him would make it all to cheesy. There had to be something else to say. It had to smart, you couldn't make a fool of yourself in front of the rest of the crowd. Luckily, someone stepped in for you. 

"I know what your thinking, demons can't love. Look I have a lot to explain. Let's go back to my room," Crowley stated. 

You could here the demons making suggestive oohs. You couldn't help but laugh at that. You were still red faced as you closed the door behind you, and followed Crowley down the hall. You caught up to him quickly, trying to keep at his pace, which was unusually fast. You weren't sure why. You decided to start a conversation. 

"Do you do that every time you go down this hallway?" you asked him.

"What? Flinch you mean?" you nodded. "Only when the screams are really bad," he replied. 

You felt bad for him. You wanted to help him, but last time you attempted it, it didn't go to great. Well, actually it did end well, just not at the time. You decided to try it again anyway. You gripped onto his hand, tight enough so he shouldn't shake you off. He didn't mind it for a second, he just left it alone, but he soon reacted. 

"Kitten, last time you attempted that it didn't end too well," he said a low voice.

"I would have to disagree. It ended pretty well if you were to ask me," you said in your most seductive voice, which you realised, wasn't too bad. It clearly worked, because he pushed your back up against the wall and rested his hands against it. He leaned in closer to your ear, and began whispering.

"Your being quite naughty. My original plan was to have you pinned against my bedroom wall, making you scream my name so that everyone in Hell could hear you, even the souls wouldn't be heard over you. Then I was going to explain everything to you. But now, I guess I will have to explain first," he said in a low raspy voice. Idiot.  

He swiftly moved off you and continued walking down the hall. You sighed and mentally face palmed, pushing yourself off the wall and followed him in tow. You didn't even know where his room was. You only knew the way to the dungeons and throne room and that was about it. You definitely needed the rest of that tour. 

After a good 5 minute walk, you arrived at two large black doors. You guessed behind it was Crowley's bedroom. You were slightly worried, but you weren't sure why. 

"There's nothing to be scared about kitten. I wouldn't hurt you," Crowley said, looking back at you, then to the door. As he opened the door, he invited you in first, so you did as told, and as you walked in, you were not surprised. His room was amazing, just as you thought. It was decorated the same as yours but a whole lot larger, and his walk-in wardrobe was full of suits, rather than dresses. It was gorgeous. You knew it was extremely similar to your room, but it seemed so much better for some reason. 

As Crowley closed the door, he went over to the bed, which has actually larger than yours, and took a seat on the edge of it. You did the same, leaning against the post. You knew he had a lot of explaining to do, so you decided it would be best if you were comfortable. 

"Three topics. A) The journal. B) Can demons love? C)Speciality. Choose one, and I will begin explaining. 100% truth," Crowley said. Big questions first were a good decision. 

"A," was all you said. 

"Ah, wise choice. Well you already know that I had a lover named Sapphire Teals about twenty years ago. Met her when she wanted to sell her soul but refused and said to do the same thing as you are now. We spent a bit of time together and she had already fallen in love with me. She was more in love with me than I thought possible, so I had to play along. She would've killed herself otherwise. After a while, she kissed me and of course being in Hell can get boring so I thought it'd be nice to have a little fun. Things went that way for a while and she thought I wanted to be with her, but I didn't. So I played along for a couple of years and she got a cancer of some sort. 

Now as I said, she wrote everything in that journal. The last page said about me in tears, which may I add wasn't true because I was playing along, and she asked me to promise her something. You read that part of the book, so I assume you remember what it was. Repeating what we did that day was easy. To be blunt, she obviously meant the sex, because other than that, the day was nothing. I didn't get to reply because by the time I came to check on her, she was long gone.  So I did that on the same day for the next three years, for my own pleasure, but got sick of it, because even though I didn't agree to the promise, it seemed like I was doing it for her. So I stopped and went back to a normal life in Hell. That's it really."

It took you a moment to comprehend everything her just said. Fairly basic, and at least you knew the full story now. 

"B," was your only reply. Crowley gave you a look that said "Great answer." You ignored it and looked him in the eye willing him to continue. 

"Demon love. Ah, yes. Not so complicated really. It is similar to how humans say "the one" or "mr right." It is more that we have to find the exact person, so a legitimate "the one." A profound bond if you will. Once that person is found, the demon can feel it straight away and want to protect them at all costs. It's absurd, but can be lovely too sometimes. It can be quite romantic. Basically, once that person is found, it is hard for the demon to stay away so human and demon kind of just end up together because being stuck together and hating each other wouldn't go too well. But really, not many demons get to meet the one, and most of my demons who have found the one can walk away from them. So yeah that is that basically. Comprehending?"

You thought about it for a second and replied "So find the one and either love them or walk away?" He nodded and you sighed and almost laughed. It all seemed so stupid but romantic at the same time. "And how about speciality. I take it you mean how I am special," you said knowingly. That is of course what he had meant. 

"You're the one."

You did a double take. You weren't even sure what to do with that piece of information. You were basically King of Hell's soul mate. How was that even a thing? Oh, and demons have feelings? It'd been a tough day for you. After dropping a bombshell that big, you couldn't even think how to react. You know he said he was gonna give you sex, but that wouldn't seem right after such an emotional speech.

"As I just mentioned, I have feelings, so please answer me in some way because I'm beginning to worry love," Crowley mentioned, concern in his voice.

You knew that if you tried to speak you would say something stupid or your voice would hitch and you'd end up crying. So you did the only thing you thought would be reasonable. You moved in closer to Crowley and snuggled into his chest, murmuring words that you never thought you'd get the chance to say.

"I love you too Crowley."



I know it is short but I just can't concentrate at the moment because I've got a lot on my mind. Also I'm listening to spn fan-made songs and OMG IT'S SO DAMN SAD. So yeah there's that. Also...

My computer sucks right now. I can't use it when it charges because it glitches and is annoying. I was gonna take it to get it fixed, but something came up and it is Father's day tomorrow, but like I can probably write then. I will try to make it a long one too, I promise. 

Check my last post and read it plz, it is important. Comment and vote. Happy Reading :)

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