Your Mother (Chapter 24)

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You'd arrived, but you weren't where Castiel thought you'd arrive. The musty aroma of the diner wafted in your direction. Table 5.

"Crowley, not sure if you didn't notice, which I'd think you would considering you were the one who got us here, but we are at a diner. Why?" Castiel questioned.

Taking Castiel straight to the boys without any clue of why he was in a shit mood wouldn't go down well. If you were to have things go your way, you'd need to know the problem so you could plan what to say to the boys. Castiel could be known as unpredictable at times.

"I wanted have a polite conversation before things got messy," you said, aware of the fact that maybe you could calm him down and avoid an argument with the boys.

"I don't want to talk about it Crowley."

"Well tough, I need something very important from Moose and Squirrel and if this isn't solved there is very little possibility of it happening."

"What could be so important that you're willing to communicate with them in any way Crowley."


His look of apathy changed to sympathy. The look in his eyes was no longer hard, but more soft and careful. You knew very well he wouldn't want to risk (Y/N)'s life in any way, so you hoped that maybe, just maybe, revealing that bit of information to him might cause him to reconsider a visit to the boys. If that didn't work, then you were going to have to deal with an argument.

Castiel opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, rethinking. He knew very well that if he was to ask what the scenario was with her, he wouldn't get an answer. It was something he'd have to wait to find out.

He sighed, hanging his head in defeat, "Fine, just know the only reason I'm going is for her. She deserves the world Crowley, don't give her anything less." His voice showed warning.

He stood up from the table, but you yanked the chain to his handcuffs, pulling him back down. The chain wasn't visible unless he stood up, and you didn't need a diner full of people questioning why you had someone in handcuffs. Castiel's eyes showed recognition in this, and he shook his head, understanding his stupidity and unawareness of the consequences.

One click later and you were in the bunker with Castiel, standing at the foot of the large table which Sam and Dean were sitting at. They seemed much less likely to have you in a devils trap this time round. Before the Dean could jump out of his seat and start an argument, you fliked your wrist, confining him to his chair.

"HEY!" the Winchester's yelled in unison.

"Oh hush, let me speak. Before everyone starts yelling and accusing each other of everything, let's just remember that I can zap Feathers and I here back to Hell or wherever in an instant," you announced, motioning the handcuffs and chain. "So I strongly suggest we discuss everything in a calm manner so I can ask my favour and go. Are we clear?"

Castiel rolled his eyes, unhappy that you were in control of his whereabouts. Sam sat there patiently, seeming to not be a part of this shenanigan. Dean on the other hand....


"We clearly don't have a very extensive understanding of the word calm, do we now," you piped.

"Shut it Crowley," you held up your hands in protest. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAS!"

Castiel rolled his eyes, coughed, and said nothing. He stood there, bored, letting Dean continue to yell at him and complain. He knew too well that anything he aid would only agitate Dean more. So he let the insults roll, the only thing heard in the room was Dean's yelling. The rest remained silent.

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