Ups and Downs (Chapter 22)

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Your hands were sweaty, your heart was racing and your breathes shaky. You didn't know what to think or do, everything around you just seemed to stop. The world around you was still, there was nothing to be heard apart from your's and Crowley's rough breathes. Your speechlessness was mutual with Crowley.

"(Y/N), you know how I feel about you, you know that we are soul mates, literally. You mean everything to me and I know you feel the same...." Crowley rambled on.

You were listening, sort of. You've heard the speech so many times, everything that needed to be said had already been said. That its true love and literal soul mates blah blah blah. And it's not that you didn't agree with him, because you did love him, there was no doubt about it at all. But you knew that he was going to just ramble on about the true love bit before getting to the point...... ah yes the point, of marriage? Was he being serious? Of course he was it's Crowley he wouldn't joke about something like that. Were you even ready for that? You'd known him for.......God knows how long it had been but it had felt like forever......

"......and look I know that I'm rambling on a little bit so I'll get to the point. I think you forget I can read your mind at times, even when I'm all flustered and very concerned, I'm still capable of that. But my point is, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what happens. And I've come to the realisation that maybe marriage was-"

"Yes," you cut in.

"Yes what, I wasn't finished."

"Yes, I'll marry you Crowley," you said. No hesitation in your voice, no second guessing. This is what you wanted, and this is what you needed.

Crowley sat there as if he had seen a ghost, obviously that term is used as metaphorically as possible because he sees ghosts more often than he would like to admit. But he was frozen, deathly still. He was shocked at your response clearly, and it was becoming humorous to you, not moving a single muscle, taking a single breath.

"R-really? Yo-you'll marry me?" was all he managed to stutter out. You weren't too sure why he doubted you'd say yes, but you were happy he didn't over think it. You leaped off the bed in response and gave him a big kiss .

"Of course I'll marry you!" you squealed and hugged him. The adrenaline was now kicking in, and the excitement was raging all through your body, every inch of your bones was full of energy. This is the big moment every girl dreams of. Walking down the isle in a white dress, saying the "I do" and making vows and oh it was like a dream come true. All the organising of the wedding would take a while though........

"Don't worry about the organising kitten. I've got it all covered already, for quite a while now actually," Crowley interrupted with his mind reading, again. You were a little..... concerned by what he meant by that.

"Crowley, how long have you had this planned? Are you saying that you already planned a marriage and wedding day and all that? When the fuck was this?"

Crowley looked at you, as if he was trying to recall the day, and to determine wether you were pissed off or excited about it. Of course, you were thrilled and raging with excitement, but at the same time you were also a little confused. Did he plan to marry you from the start?

"It was a while ago, I don't particularly recall the exact day but you had only been in Hell for a little bit, I think it was a bit after the Sapphire scenario," Crowley replied.

You thought back to around that time and nothing really stood out to you. He was constantly at meetings and what not at that time, so he could've been arranging it around then. It was almost funny how oblivious you were to the situation. He could've been planning world domination and you wouldn't have known. Then again, you were pretty sure he would tell you if he was taking over the world.

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