Winchester's (Chapter 15)

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CRYING!!⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ Just thought I'd put that in there so you can enjoy the feels!

The Winchester's didn't even lift a finger when you entered the room. They didn't seem to care one bit. Sam had only rolled his eyes and Dean just grunted. The room was a mess and you weren't too sure what had happened. Or who.

"Hello boys. What's up with Squirrel?" you huffed out. This only resulting in Dean giving you his best bitch face. Which, you had to admit, was good. 

"Don't mind him Crowley. What do you want?" Sam questioned, trying to look somewhat interested. They were both clearly pissed at something, and you could see your presence wasn't wanted. Dean jolted up and headed to the kitchen to get a beer from their fridge. 

Sam fixed his glance back on you and away from Dean. "Oh, and before you ask, we had a run-in with a witch. Didn't end well if it isn't obvious. And Dean isn't happy with Cas at the moment. I'm not sure why, I don't think he is answering Dean. Who knows, just don't ask him," Sam blurted out to make sure Dean didn't hear. He couldn't have said it faster because Dean was already back with two beers. He chucked one to Sam and gave you a glare. 

"Where's mine Squirrel? Moose gets one and I don't?" Dean was about to give a snarky reply, but not before you interfered. "I'm joking. If it was Craig, it would be a different story. Anyway, I was just checking in to see how you were going. And from current surroundings, my question seems invalid. So, improvisation. Do you two have an agenda to follow at the moment or are you two rummaging around searching for new cases?" 

The brothers looked at each other for a moment before Sam replied, "We're free if that is what you're asking." That made things easier for you.

"Great, could you do some research on someone for me. I would, but you two seem to have a thing for finding valuable information. So are we in boys?" you questioned. Sam and Dean gave each other another look. It was weird how they could do that, communicating with their eyes. They could have a full length conversation if they wanted. Dean turned back to you and was about to reply, when a certain angel appeared in the room behind Dean. He knew it was Castiel straight away, and spun around in his chair. He wasn't happy. At all. He leaped out of his chair and grabbed Cas by his collar, and pushed him against the wall.

"WHERE WERE YOU. YOU WOULDN'T ANSWER ME! DAMMIT CAS!" he shouted. Cas wasn't shaken by it. Instead, he replied in his usual voice.

"I was busy with some research. It was more important than your needs." Dean looked horrified. Something was more important than him? That was his only concern. You could read his mind. 

"What were you researching that was more important than my needs?" Dean questioned Cas. 

You were beginning to get curious as to what Dean meant by needs. It had been a while since you saw the three of the boys together, so you weren't too sure if Dean and Cas had made out yet. God, they were so gay for each other, but they were too stubborn to admit it. 

"May I ask what needs these are Squirrel?" you asked. Sam snickered in an attempt to hold back his laugh. Dean swiftly turned his head to you, confusion written across his face. 

"What?" He asked. "What are these needs?" you repeated. Dean obviously hadn't heard you the first time, because now he looked at you with a blush. "Not the kind you're thinking Crowley," was all he said. Sam couldn't contain his laughter for much longer. He burst out, laughing so hard, he fell backwards in his chair, hitting the floor. 

"Yet," Sam laughed. Dean looked over at him, not hearing him correctly. Or pretending he didn't, just to make him say it again. 

"I said, yet." Sam laughed again, and poor little Cas was pinned against the wall in confusion. 

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