Becoming Immortal? (Chapter 26)

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Beauty sleep was all you needed now. The wedding was tomorrow, and Crowley had left a note on your bed that read, "Big day tomorrow, kitten. Your wedding dress is in the walk-in wardrobe, it's salient, hard to miss. I know you'll love it. I'll see you tomorrow, my love. Sleep well. -C xx"

He was the sweetest, he'd planned this whole wedding for so long, down to every last detail. He did all of this for you, his soul mate, his true love, his one and only. He treated you like a Queen, something you would soon formally become. The Queen of Hell, the ruler of millions of demons, it would all be yours to share with Crowley. The thought made you shiver in excitement. It was all so much to take in.

You decided sleep was the best option, you didn't need dark bags under your eyes as you walked down the isle tomorrow. God how horrible that would be. You'd tried so hard to get into a decent seeping pattern to ensure you didn't look awful on the big day. So far it had worked, but one night of awful sleep was all it took for you to go from glam to damn, and not in a good way. You snuggled up in your bed, head resting on the pillows, blanket pulled up to your chin, nice and comfy, perfect. You soon drifted out of consciousness and into your dreams.

It was an odd scene, and at first you weren't too sure where you were. A house, dark green lounge, an old TV on the back wall. A table with candles and books on it. It was familiar, yet so unfamiliar. It was obviously a very distant memory. You walked around, treading on a cockroach along the way. You looked around, the place was filthy and old. Who would possibly choose to live there?

You walked through an archway and emerged into a kitchen, but the place was a blur. It was as if you couldn't remember the place well enough to even form an image of what it should look like. A door stood out against a wall, and you walked over to it, opening it and finding daylight. The sun beamed on your face as you stepped out onto a concrete slab, a couple of stairs to your right that led to a huge backyard. It was a pretty open space, the only thing in the yard being a clothes line and a trampoline.

It was all so... strange. The feeling of being there before, as if you'd seen the place but you weren't too sure where you remembered it from. It was like déjà vu.

"Hello (Y/N)," a voice none other than Castiel's said. You whirled around, facing him.

"Hello Castiel," you replied, happy to see him. Despite knowing the angel for such a short time, you felt as if you could trust him. You could both confide in each other without the worry of your secrets and feelings being known by everyone else. He was basically your best friend now. "Whatchya doin here?"

"Just thought I'd come and see you before the big day, check on you and make sure you're alright," he said with a little smile.

You took a seat on the warm concrete stairs and patted the space next to you, offering for Castiel to sit down. He opened his mouth to speak, but reconsidered when he noticed you looking down at your feet, not really paying attention. You were deep in thought, trying to remember what this place was. You'd seen it before, but it was a long time ago. You were just so unsure.

"Where is this place, (Y/N)?" Castiel asked.  You sat there, concentrating on an ant passing by.

"I'm asking myself the same question," was your only response, causing silence once more.

You were so unsure of your surroundings, you'd been there before, obviously, but now it just seemed so........foreign. You debated asking Castiel where you were, thinking maybe his previous question was more of a test rather than an actual question. You looked up from your feet and around the yard again, doing your best to try and re-jog your memory. Maybe if you saw something that generated a really strong memory, you'd recall where you were.

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