A Promise (Chapter 8)

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You woke up, arm draped over the King of Hell. He was in the same position that he was in when you fell asleep. He didn't notice you were awake yet either. You decided it was the time to do something funny, just because, why not. Pretending to still be asleep, you started to move around a little bit, ending up on his stomach. You could feel his stare heavy upon you, probably trying to read your mind. You pretended to moan in your sleep, and he clearly believed it, because he closed his eyes, remembering last night. You could feel a slight arousal in his pants, only just realising that he must have put your clothes back on because you were both fully dressed. You didn't bother questioning it. With that, you moved up to his chest and snuggled into the side of his neck. 

"Good morning," you cooed. 

"Good morning, kitten. Did you sleep alright?" Crowley asked. 

"Slept great. Did you stay the whole night?" you replied. 

"Of course I did. Didn't want to leave you. And before you ask, I only had to click my fingers to put our clothes back on. I decided it'd be best if you were back in you pj's. I didn't want my minions walking in on us, but if  I'm needed I must go," Crowley mumbled. 

"Okay, thank you," was all you said. It went silent until Crowley decided to speak up again. 

"Would you like some breakfast love?" he asked.

You nodded your head and slumped down beside him so he could get up. He understood that through your new way of communication. He gave you a quick peck on the lips, which left you smiling, before standing up and walking over to the door. He turned to you. You already knew what he was gonna ask, so you didn't even wait for him to ask before saying, "Bacon and eggs would be great. Thanks for asking," you said with a smirk. Crowley observed you for a minute, slightly confused, before pointing a finger to himself and saying "I'm the one who can mind read, Kitten." And with that, Crowley left the room, leaving you to yourself. 

Sitting up on the bed, you replayed last night in your mind. I had sex with the King of Hell. You smiled crazily and felt your cheeks flush red. Never in your life, did you think this would happen. Nor did you think the King of Hell would be getting you breakfast. Swinging your feet over the side of the bed, you walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower, knowing Crowley would be back in 15 minutes or so, you made it quick. You were out in 5 minutes, leaving you with 5 minutes to get dressed and 5 minutes to do your hair. 

Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around you, you headed to the dresser and got out some different clothes from usual. Remembering that Crowley was gonna give you the rest of the tour today, you wore something warm. You couldn't look like a dag, so you crossed tracksuit pants off the list. You found some black tights and a long sleeve black shirt, black hoodie and black converse. You were practically dressed like an assassin, but it didn't bother you because black was always a colour you liked to wear. Once you were dressed, you headed back into the bathroom, hair a tangled mess. You found a detangling brush in the first draw, which managed to get most knots out. A simple pony would be best, so you rolled with that. Once you finished that, you cleaned up the bathroom a bit and went and sat on your bed, waiting for Crowley.

You still had 5 minutes before he would be back, so you thought of something to do. There was of course that journal looking thing in the draw. Invasion of privacy? Yeah. But oh well, you just slept with the King of Hell, an invasion of privacy was no longer something to care about. You leaned over the bed and pulled out the journal. It didn't look too old, maybe from 30 years ago? You opened the front page and found "Sapphire Teals" written in lovely handwriting. As you turned to the next page, you were in fact right about it being a journal. You skimmed over the first page and found that this girl, Sapphire Teals, was one of Crowley's lovers from 20 years back. You skipped over the boring stuff in the middle to try  and find out this girls end. Also, you didn't really want to read about their sex. You began to read the last page;

"I'm sick, dying. I finally broke the news to Crowley today and he didn't take it well. I'm probably going to die throughout the night, but it doesn't scare me. I've waited for this day from the moment I learned about Crowley. It was dangerous to be with the King of Hell, but he was just so intriguing and I couldn't keep away. It wasn't even his fault I'm dying, I just wound up with cancer. I guess it was unavoidable. 

Crowley had been with me all day, but I told him that I needed an hour to myself. This is what I'm spending my hour on, writing in this journal. I can hears his cries from down the hall, and to hold back mine is inevitable. I asked Crowley of one thing, and when he gets back he was going to answer me. I pray he says yes, because it is for him. I told him, that on the anniversary of my death day, I want him to find someone to be with and do what we did that day. I know he already remembers what happened today, and he won't forget it. My time is running low, I can feel it," and the rest was scribble, you guess that she died writing it. Meaning that she didn't hear Crowley answer. You looked at the date she wrote it. August 13th. Which happened to be a Friday. Ironic. Not only because it was a Friday the 13th but because it was also yesterday?!

Your heart stopped beating for a minute. You knew exactly what her and Crowley did that day. They had sex. Just like the two of you did yesterday. He obviously kept her promise, and you realised that the King of Hell didn't think you were so special after all. You were just a part to his promise. Just that "someone to be with" on her death anniversary. Your eyes began to tear at the realisation, and at that moment Crowley opened the door, either to say he was bringing your food down in a minute or something, but you didn't care to listen. Instead, you stood up from the bed, book in hand, crying. You ran over to him, shoving the book to his chest. 

"You're a bloody good liar saying I was special you dumbass!!" you shouted at him. You couldn't stand in the room any longer, so you headed ran out the door. You could hear Crowley shouting your name as you ran. You knew where to go, and you knew he wouldn't follow. You headed through the hallway just like yesterday and found the door that lead to the dungeons. You didn't hear screams at the time, so you bolted down the stairs, until you hit the cold stone floor. There were two corridors, and they both looked like they lead to people, or souls in your case, behind bars. You didn't want to risk anything, so instead, you sat at the bottom of the staircase and cried.

You let everything out, you didn't care, you were sure Crowley wouldn't hear you over the screaming that was going on now. You could barely hear your cries and sobs over the amount of torture that was going on down the corridors. You thought over everything that had happened. When you met, when you came to Hell, when he pinned you against the wall, when you had sex with him. Nothing ever went your way or turned out right. But then again, you did go to Hell and you did fall for the King of Hell. What were you even thinking. Of course this wasn't gonna end well. You remembered that decisions, definitely weren't your strong point.  


Update 5/1/17

Not all chapters have a further A/N than what there already was.

Hey y'all, the next chapters are a bit shorter because when I was writing this my computer decided to glitch badly. So like I had to write a lot quicker than usual, so apologies for that. But the chapters get longer again after like maybe 4 chapters. Happy Reading :) xx

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