Awkward (Chapter 3)

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The events of yesterday were still running through your head as you were rudely awakened by your alarm. Ugh, the pain of waking up before the sun. It wasn't even natural. You covered your face with your pillow to drown out the agonising noise of the alarm. After a minute or so, you couldn't take it anymore. You threw the pillow, previously covering your face, across the room lazily and waddled over to the alarm on your draws and turn it off quickly. You had put the alarm there so you weren't tempted to hit snooze and fall back asleep.

That stupid decision had been made last night, and you sure as hell were regretting it now. Of course you had a reason to be waking up at 5:00, whether or not it was a good one, you were yet to find out.

It was all because of Crowley. And you couldn't even possibly begin to understand why. You just seemed to have this pull to him. Not like any other feelings you had had towards one of your many crushes, but something more adventurous. You had met the guy once and he had already made an impact on you. Everything about him was intriguing to you. His voice, the way he dressed, the fact that he was the King Of Hell even seemed to make you want to see him again. You had to admit, all your friends would think you'd gone insane. If you told them the scenario, you would be the weirdo of the group. Well more than usual anyway. Even though he was in his 40's, he stilled seemed so perfect to you.

And now, whilst thinking all of this, you were slowly not regretting waking up this early. So you hobbled over to your wardrobe, instantly looking for something that would make you stand out. You had plenty of nice clothes, it's just that you didn't choose to wear them. You let out a relieved sigh as you found a tight but comfortable black top, light denim jeans, and some black and white converse. You looked in the mirror and smiled. You never really dressed like this, but it was a good change for today. Your smile faded once you saw your hair and you bolted to the bathroom.

Within the next few minutes your hair was in a simple pony and a braid. The braid was a little messy because you hadn't done one in a while, but it was still pretty good. Making your way to the kitchen, you grabbed a a muesli bar and walked out the front door with your handbag and keys in hand. Sure you could walk, but it would mean you'd get there a bit later and not have as long with Crowley. You contemplated this for a moment. He probably doesn't even like me. To him, i'm just another weirdo. With a simple shrug, you jumped into the car and drove off to work.

You arrived 5 minutes later due to decent traffic. You parked your car in a nearby parking lot and hurried over to the library. You were 20 minutes earlier than yesterday, and you began to wonder if the King Of Hell would even be here. As you casually walked through the front doors, Becky was doing the exact same as yesterday. But with another book. Damn she can read fast you thought instantly. "Hey Becky," you said quietly only to inform her you were here. "Oh, hey (Y/N). You're here early again. Cool. Alarm clock?" she asked curiously. You nodded and headed over to the trolleys to start putting books back to their rightful spots.

You immediately found one that would lead you to yesterdays spot. There was a whole pile of books on similar stuff. You grabbed it and pushed it over to the isle. Surely enough, there was the King Of Hell, sitting in the same red velvet chair, reading. You had earlier decided to play it cool. You began putting the books into their spots and soon enough you heard a simple "Hello again, love," from the chair. You looked at him with a smile and said "Hello," then continued placing books. Simple yet hopefully effective.

"Oh yes, love. It was rather effective because now I get to choose the topic of conversation," he murmured and looked over to you. "Now I'm truly sorry to ask you love, but I have never seen you here before apart from yesterday. And today of course. From previous conversation I understand you were here early because of a broken alarm clock. So what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you here again today?" he asked.

You thought about it for a second before replying. You were hoping he wasn't reading your mind to find the real answer right now or jeez, it would end badly. "Alarm clock again. I went to buy a new one yesterday but completely forgot while I was there," you replied. You hoped it was good enough of an answer.

"Ah, I see. But how could you forget to buy an alarm clock. I could clearly see you were tired when we spoke yesterday and I could feel it to. Wouldn't you be tired enough that you thought of sleeping, and then therefore your faulty alarm clock?" he questioned. Putting you on the spot much. You hadn't planned this out at all.

"Well, maybe I was too tired to even consider it. Why do you ask? Do not enjoy my company because I can go. I can put these books back later when your not here," you replied, trying to put him on the spot more than he did to you. He instantly replied.

"No don't go!" he almost shouted. He went red in the cheeks and said, "I do enjoy your company love, more than I've ever enjoyed with any other person. Or demon in that case. I haven't spoken to many people lately, nor anyone of your beauty. Stay?" he begged.

You couldn't believe that he did that. Never did you ever think he would want you that badly. You buried your excitement and played it cool. "Sure, I'll stay. On one condition. Explain the whole King Of Hell get up," you said. You could see him trying to word it in a way you would understand.

"Okay then. I'll give you the short story. Well do you believe in paranormal activity? The supernatural, if you will," he asked. You nodded. "Well, there's Heaven and Hell. I'm the King Of Hell. Satan is different. He's in the Cage with Michael. Long story, one for another time. Anyway, I take care of all the demons, also giving them errands and such. It can be a boring job at times with all the paper work and such but other than that it can be fun. See I'm also a crossroad demon. Hell of a job. When a specific spell is done by some who wants something, I come to their aid. I give them what they want in exchange for their soul which is picked up 10 or so years later. Pretty good deal if you ask me, but then again I'm not the one selling my soul. Although I did do that before I became King," he answered well.

You had one question from that whole story. So you asked."What did you sell your soul for?" He blushed slightly.

"I don't think you want to know, love," he replied awkwardly. You gave him puppy dog eyes and a "please."He murmured something that you didn't catch. "Speak up. I can't hear you. It can't be that bad surely," you told him.

"I sold my soul to become taller," he said almost whispering the last part. You started laughing hysterically. You didn't care it was a library, you couldn't help yourself.

In an instant he was right up against you, his hand covering your mouth. You stopped laughing and began blushing at the closeness. He had you pushed up against the bookcase and was right up against you. He clearly wasn't bothered by it at all. You looked him right in the eyes and he did the same to you. He leaned down a tiny bit to get eye level with you. "Are you done laughing?" he asked.

You nodded and he slowly removed his hand. You suddenly felt bad for laughing. He had just told you something personal about himself and you laughed. Gosh you felt so mean sometimes. He was still standing there, going over what had happened.

"I-I'm sorry Crowley. I shouldn't have laughed. It's just that I haven't laughed at anything for a while. And something like that just gave me the edge. Sorry," you whispered. He looked at you knowingly.

"Its quite alright love. I understand. And that's a lie, I didn't sell it for that anyway, I sold it for an extra three inches under the belt" he said with a smile. His tone changed quickly. "I've got a schedule to follow, and a meeting to attend to. So sorry love. Even after I was the one who begged you to stay, it seems I have to go. Same time tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. You nodded happily. "Of course. See ya Crowley."

And with that he was gone.


Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy Reading :) xx

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