Uncomfortable (Chapter 13)

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So Crowley had basically just proposed you be his Queen, but only on three conditions, which you weren't to sure about. 1) Prove you had the courage to be Queen. 2) Show that you could be able to listen through all of the meetings. They both sounded simple enough, but the third one was more difficult to do. 3) Make Crowley overcome his only fear. Which you guessed would be the screams in the dungeons. How were you supposed to do that exactly, he wouldn't even walk down the hallway without flinching. That would be a difficult task. 

"Hey Crowley," you whispered into his chest. He hummed in response. "Does this mean I get a throne?" He chuckled in response, but you wanted a proper answer. He could sense that too, so in reply he said "Well, I was going to have you sit on my lap the whole time..... but then I figured I wouldn't be able to control myself, which would be awkward in front of all my minions. So yes, I guess you will have a throne next to mine."

You had to laugh at that, but in your cutest voice you replied, "Well what about when they aren't in the throne room?" 

Crowley thought about it for a moment before replying with "When we aren't in the throne room, we will be in my bedroom." You couldn't help your self laughing and fell backwards, Crowley only just catching you, and pulling you back up towards him. You shuffled your hands from his and to around his neck. You smiled for only a second before letting your lips melt into his. He was surprised at first, but eventually deepened the kiss, settling his hands around your waist and gripping it tightly. 

"Don't you remember what I said last night kitten?" Crowley hummed. "About having you pinned up against my bedroom wall and all?"

The memory slowly came back to you. You broke the kiss and sat back looking him in the eye and said, "Yes. Why?" 

"If we are doing this in my bedroom today, we are going to do it like that," he replied in a low raspy voice. You smiled at his remark, but frowned once he moved you off of his lap and onto the bed. "As much as I would love to continue, I can't have you tired for our first meeting. Condition number 2 remember? Now go and shower, get changed and what not," Crowley finished. Did he mean his shower or back to your room... "Your room kitten. I've got to shower and dress too. Can't be having any distractions now can we? C'mon," Crowley stated, clearly reading your mind again. 

He lead you out the door and back through the hallways all the way to your room. As a true gentleman, he opened the door for you and let you walk inside. But before you could run away to the shower he called you back. "Wear something nice, but not too formal, okay?" he mentioned. You nodded your head in response and scurried to the shower. You heard the door close, meaning Crowley had gone back to his own room to get ready.

Once you had finished in the shower, you put your hair into two dutch braids, and headed back to your wardrobe. Pretty but not formal. Easy request really. It just had to be something simple, but then again it had to be nice because you wanted to impress Crowley. You shrugged and closed your eyes, pointed your finger and spun around a couple of times. Simple way to choose a dress right? After realising that any more spinning would give you a headache, you stopped abruptly and opened your eyes to find a pretty diamond blue dress. 

The top half was black and strapless, and the bottom half had a pretty blue diamond colour that flowed down to just above your knees. It wasn't too short, nor was it too long. You hadn't worn anything blue for a while, so you stuck with it. In a matter of minutes, the dress was on and you found yourself looking in the mirror. It looked good, nothing too formal or boring. You grabbed some black flats, slipped them on and went to sit on the end of your bed, awaiting Crowley. He wouldn't take long. 

As you sat there, you let your mind drift to Crowley's conditions. You figured that maybe wearing the dress would make you a bit daring and courageous to Crowley. So that possibly ticked that box. Next thing was to sit through the meeting, making yourself look like you were actually interested it. But making Crowley overcome his biggest fear would be a bit more difficult. You knew for a fact that it was the screams in the dungeons. That was going to be one of the most impossible tasks. Well at least you had a whole meeting to think about it. 

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