Chapter 1: Away

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"Ugh where the heck is he?" Pacifica asked herself before checking her designer watch.

"Im.. going to be.... late!"
A figure ran to the middle of town. It was December, and cold! He ran into a restaurant.
"Ah-ah." He sighed
"You're late, AGAIN!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I must be a horrible person right now." He nervously laughed.
"Y'know five minutes, fashionably late; ten minutes, forgivable; but a half hour and you're trudging in some hot water."
"I know and to make it up I'll buy."
"Like you weren't going too. Jeez, I fly all the way from Europe to Gravity Falls for one person and they can't even show up."
"Yes I know and very very sorry."
Pacifica looked away, then smiled.
"Thanks for coming to see me, Dipper."
"Yeah, no problem."

Never Let You Down ~ A Dipcifica Fanfiction (Book 7: Finale)Where stories live. Discover now