Chapter 22: Falling Back

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Dipper and the masked figure ran out to courtyard. A familiar sedan was stopped in the driveway.
"How did you get past the driveway sensor?" Dipper asked, trying to act cool.
"The high velocity of the vehicle, at the right angle, created enough of a window for me to drive through." She said.
Dipper was left in the dark on an explanation and looked at the figure with a confused expression. He questioned if she realized the correct use of those big words.
The masked figure gave a sigh. "I used the car to hit the sensor."
"Wasn't that easier to say?" Dipper said, still trying to defend the notion of him being the smart one.
The two entered the car and drove down the driveway. As they were further down the road, an armata of police vehicles passed by, presumably headed for the mansion. The figure was reluctant to be spotted and sunk in her seat.
"Not good with the police?" Dipper said, noticing.
"I've had my run-ins." She said.
The road evened out to a straight away, clear of cars, in the middle of the forest. She took her hands off the wheel and stuck them into her pocket. She took out her two familiar pistols.
"Hey, hey what are you doing?" Dipper asked reaching over to secure the steering wheel.
The figure pulled out her firearms and checked the magazines. After seeing they where both full, she stuck them back into the grips of her pistols and spun both of them into the ready utop her pointer finger. The figure then cast one to Dipper. It landed on his lap before she took control of the car again.
"What was that for, and why do I need this?" Dipper asked referencing the gun on his lap.
The figure took a deep sigh and answered, "I really don't like these woods, and it's getting dark. Just keep it with you, we are on the run after all." She laughed.
Dipper examined the gun. The grip was warm, still. He could see the imprint the figure's tightly pressed hand made on it.
"You were really going to kill him. Right then, you were determined to shoot Preston." Dipper slowly looked up at where he presumed the masked future's eyes were.
"He was going to kill you." She rebutted.
"You still seemed hellbent on killing him. Why didn't you?"
"I thought I would hit you, plus even if I wanted to, I couldn't."
The figure slid back in her seat, like she said too much.
Dipper rolled his eyes almost simultaneously realizing the situation he was in.
"Okay, OKAY! Listen, I really appreciate you rescuing me and all, but I have no idea, how you knew where I was, how you know me, where were going, and a myriad of other things. For the love of God, I have no idea who you are!" Dipper spat.
"I followed you into the mansion, I'm taking you back to your apartment, and I'm leaving." She said, tightening her grip on the steering wheel.
"That too. How the hell do you know where I live, do I have to worry about being stalked now?"
The snow was getting bad outside the car, it was dark now too.
"I already told you, the rest is on a need-to-know basis."
"Oh yes, because I don't need to know," He mocked. "Listen, you probably understand this already but let me clarify; my livelihood is all but gone. I've lost everything, I've been living a lie for the past four years. I have nothing to lose."
Dipper pointed his gun at the figure.
"Tell me who you are and you want with me." Dipper touted.
"Kid, you don't know what you're doing." She responded, taking her eyes off the road.
"Oh, well you see I don't have too. Like I said I..." Dipper was interrupted by the collision of his shoulder with an air bag. He was instantaneously knocked unconscious.
"DIPPER!" The figure said. The air bag pulled too late on her slide and she slammed her head in the wheel.

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