Chapter 27: The Unforseen Circumstance

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The Mystery Shack laid dark for the next few days.
The wintery weather had blurred the line between night and day. Dipper sat quietly in the dark of the building with his empty thoughts. Periodically, he'd eat and sleep; but only as a chore and most of the time involuntary forced by his tired and strained body. He was without work, communication, entertainment, and interaction. He remained quiet, stuck in the limbo of his cold, unforgiving life. Alone.
One day, however, he stood up. He walked away from the couch he had made his home for the past few days. He looked out the window and pondered on a destination. Whether it be the dread of isolation getting to him or something else calling, he wanted to leave.
Dipper put on his coat, his gloves, and his hat, before standing in front of the door, aimlessly.
He opened it. The blinding light of the morning sun pierced through the door of the dark Shack. The transition put innumerable amounts of strain on Dipper's eyes. He hid into his forearm until he could slowly began to brave the light. He slowly took one step after the other, marching through the dense, compact, five inches of snow that had built up around the Shack. He made his way to the parking lot and continued beyond.
The white sky with its glistening radiance shimmering upon the white snow reminded Dipper of what he was supposed to do today. He was supposed to be saying his final farewell's to Pacifica. Wishing her a safe trip back to Europe so she could finish her pre-determined education and come back. She was supposed to tell him that she didn't want to go. Dipper was supposed to say that she had to and that it was supposed to be for the best. She would hug him for a long time and he too would return the same affection. They were supposed to love each other and never let one another down.
Damn it all! Dipper violently pushed his mind back into reality.
For all he knew, she had already gone back to Europe. For all he knew, she had moved on and forgotten all about that weird kid in Gravity Falls. And for all he knew she was a Northwest; a greedy heartless monster, who will let nothing get in her and stepping over anyone if it meant money was involved.
Dipper continued to walk.
"Why am I doing this, what do I plan to accomplish?" He thought aloud, trying to reason with his subconscious.
He arrived at the falls. The lake was frozen over however the actual waterfall remained in motion. He sat at a park bench near to the snow-covered beach.

He watched.

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